This project provides 2 wrappers :
- mongodump,
- mongorestore.
This project also include dropbox integration feature to
- dump and upload onto dropbox,
- restore from a dropbox hosted mongo backup.
There is an autonomous feature called rotation that provide a backup file rotation mechanism
- remove N oldest deprecated backups.
This readme contains some samples. Other samples are under examples/.
Command line usage
Initial setup - first time only
# get source code
git clone https://github.com/momkit/node-mongotools.git
# install dependencies
npm install
#~ setup environment variables
cp env/initEnv.template.sh env/initEnv.dontpush.sh
# you must update env/initEnv.dontpush.sh
Set your preferences
# source your options
. ./env/initEnv.dontpush.sh
Basic feature
# create a mongo dump
node mt dump
# create a encrypted mongo dump
node mt dumpz
# list backups
node mt list
# restore a mongo local dump
# please note that mt restore use following options : dropBeforeRestore: true, deleteDumpAfterRestore: true
node mt restore backup/myDatabase__2020-11-08_150102.gz
# rotate backup files
node mt rotation
# Helper : show current options values
node mt options
Add in-line extra options
You could play with env default options plus in-line command extra options
# create dump of a given 'shippingprices' collection, provide a target backup name as '2023_01_shippingPrices.gz', and show mongodump command
MT_COLLECTION=shippingprices MT_FILENAME=2023_01_shippingPrices.gz MT_SHOW_COMMAND=true node mt dump
# show backup in list
node mt list
# using mongo: drop a given collection
mongo myDb --eval "db.shippingprices.drop()"
# restore collection
MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 MT_COLLECTION=shippingprices MT_SHOW_COMMAND=true node mt restore /backup/2023_01_shippingprices.gz
# Note that collection option will produce wildcard in nsInclude arg '--nsInclude myDb.*'
Dropbox feature
You have a dropbox access token in your preferences, (cf. "Mongo tools options")
# create a mongo dump is the same command
node mt dump
# restore a mongo dropbox dump
node mt restore /backup/myDatabase__2020-11-08_150102.gz
# git bash for windows users having absolute path issue could use the following command
unalias node
MSYS_NO_PATHCONV=1 node mt restore /backup/myDatabase__2020-11-08_150102.gz
# rotate local and dropbox backup files
node mt rotation
Library use
Install dependency
You have to import as dependency
npm install @momkit/node-mongotools
Define the requirements, example:
import { MongoTools, MTOptions, MTCommand } from "@momkit/node-mongotools";
var mongoTools = new MongoTools();
const mtOptions = {
db: 'myDb',
port: 17017,
path: '/opt/myapp/backups',
dropboxToken: process.env.MYAPP_DROPBOX_SECRET_TOKEN
List dumps
var promiseResult = mongoTools.list(mtOptions);
var promiseResult = mongoTools.mongodump(mtOptions);
var promiseResult = mongoTools.mongorestore(mtOptions);
var promiseResult = mongoTools.rotation(mtOptions);
Mongo tools options
Each mongotools feature rely on Mongo tools options (aka. MTOption).
Options precedence is the following:
- take
attribute if set, - else take related environment variable if any,
- else take default value if any,
- else if it's a mandatory option, throw an error.
TIP: you could also show current options by doing:
console.log(new MTOptions());
shared options
These options are used by dump and restore.
Either uri
or host
option | env | required | default value | description |
uri |
MT_MONGO_URI | true | (none) | mongodump uri, example mongodb+srv://granted-user:MySecretHere@cluster0.xzryx.mongodb.net/tMyDatababse . You could omit database name to dump all databases. |
option | env | required | default value | description |
db |
MT_MONGO_DB | true | (none) | mongo database name. For dump only, you could set it to * to dump all databases |
host |
MT_MONGO_HOST | false | |
mongo database hostname |
port |
MT_MONGO_PORT | false | 27017 |
mongo database port |
username |
MT_MONGO_USER | false | (none) | mongo database username |
password |
MT_MONGO_PWD | false | (none) | mongo database password |
authDb |
MT_MONGO_AUTH_DB | false | admin |
mongo auth database |
ssl options
Optional ssl related options
option | env | required | default value | description |
ssl |
MT_MONGO_SSL | false | (none) | if "1" then add --ssl option |
sslCAFile |
MT_MONGO_SSL_CA_FILE | false | (none) | .pem file containing the root certificate chain |
sslPEMKeyFile |
MT_MONGO_SSL_PEM_KEY_FILE | false | (none) | .pem file containing the certificate and key |
sslPEMKeyPassword |
MT_MONGO_SSL_PEM_KEY_PASSWORD | false | (none) | password to decrypt the sslPEMKeyFile, if necessary |
sslCRLFile |
MT_MONGO_SSL_CRL_FILE | false | (none) | pem file containing the certificate revocation list |
sslFIPSMode |
MT_MONGO_SSL_FIPS | false | (none) | if "1" then use FIPS mode of the installed openssl library |
tlsInsecure |
MT_MONGO_TLS_INSECURE | false | (none) | if "1" then bypass the validation for server's certificate chain |
mongodump options
option | env | required | default value | description |
path |
MT_PATH | false | backup |
dump target directory, created if it doesn't exist |
dumpCmd |
false | mongodump |
mongodump binary | |
fileName |
MT_FILENAME | false | <dbName_date_time.gz> |
dump target filename |
encrypt |
false | false | encrypt the dump using secret | |
secret |
MT_SECRET | false | null | secret to use if encrypt is enabled |
encryptSuffix |
false | .enc |
encrypt file suffix | |
includeCollections |
false | (none) |
Deprecated - please use collection
collection |
MT_COLLECTION | false | (none) | Collection to include, if not specified all collections are included |
excludeCollections |
MT_EXCLUDE_COLLECTIONS | false | (none) | Collections to exclude, if not specified all collections are included |
numParallelCollections |
false | 4 | Number of collections mongodump should export in parallel. | |
viewsAsCollections |
false | false | When specified, mongodump exports read-only views as collections. |
Simple example:
import { MongoTools, MTOptions, MTCommand } from "@momkit/node-mongotools";
var mongoTools = new MongoTools();
username:'root', password:'mypass', authDb:'admin'
.then((success) => console.info("success", success) )
.catch((err) => console.error("error", err) );
mongorestore options
option | env | required | default value | description |
dumpFile |
MT_DUMP_FILE | true | (none) | dump file to restore |
restoreCmd |
false | mongorestore |
mongorestore binary | |
dropBeforeRestore |
false | false | set it to true to append --drop option |
deleteDumpAfterRestore |
false | false | set it to true to remove restored backup file |
decrypt |
false | false | decrypt the dump using secret. Activated if suffix is detected | |
secret |
MT_SECRET | false | null | secret to use if decrypt is enabled |
Simple example:
import { MongoTools, MTOptions, MTCommand } from "@momkit/node-mongotools";
var mongoTools = new MongoTools();
username:'root', password:'mypass', authDb:'admin'
.then((success) => {
console.info("success", success.message);
if (success.stderr) {
console.info("stderr:\n", success.stderr);// mongorestore binary write details on stderr
.catch((err) => console.error("error", err) );
Dropbox options
You could create a dropbox app to get a token : cf. https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps/ "Generated access token"
option | env | required | default value | description |
dropboxToken |
MT_DROPBOX_TOKEN | false | (none) | activate dropbox feature if present |
dropboxLocalPath |
MT_DROPBOX_LOCAL_PATH | false | "dropbox" | local directory to receive dropbox dump |
When a token is set,
- the
feature will list the/
dropbox directory - the
feature will upload the dump onto/
dropbox directory (in addition to spawn it locally), - the
feature will usedumpFile
as dropbox dump location and retrieve it intodropboxLocalPath
before doing the mongorestore action.
Rotation options
A safe time windows is defined by :
now - rotationWindowsDays day(s)
where backups can't be removed.
Backup out of safe time windows are called deprecated backup
: minimum deprecated backups to keep, -
: number of (oldest) deprecated backups to delete.
option | env | required | default value | description |
rotationDryMode |
MT_ROTATION_DRY_MODE | false | false | dont do delete actions, just print it |
rotationWindowsDays |
MT_ROTATION_WINDOWS_DAYS | true | 15 | safe time windows in days since now |
rotationMinCount |
MT_ROTATION_MIN_COUNT | true | 2 | minimum deprecated backups to keep. |
rotationCleanCount |
MT_ROTATION_CLEAN_COUNT | true | 10 | number of (oldest first) deprecated backups to delete. |
Simple example:
MT_ROTATION_WINDOWS_DAYS=3 \ node mt rotation
Example details: if there is a backup that is more than 3 days old, keep 2 newer ones and delete the 10 oldest.
Dropbox limits:
- rotation feature will not apply if dropbox backup target directory content contains more than 2000 files.