This is a simple module to fund arbitrary bitcoin transactions using Invisible Money Button.
How it works.
const imb = new moneyButton.imb({ clientIdentifier: '<your_client_identifier>' })
const paymailClient = new PaymailClient()
const purse = new MBPurse(imb, bsv, paymailClient)
const tx = new bsv.Transaction()
tx.to(someAddress, 600)
tx.to(someAddress, 900)
const fundedRawTx = purse.pay(tx.uncheckedSerialize())
If the transaction to fund contains input is necesary to send a second argument with a list with metadata for the inputs. In particular the amount of satoshis included in the output spent by every input.
const imb = new moneyButton.imb({ clientIdentifier: '<your_client_identifier>' })
const paymailClient = new PaymailClient()
const purse = new MBPurse(imb, bsv, paymailClient)
const tx = new bsv.Transaction()
tx.from(new bsv.Transaction.UnspentOutput, {
txid: 'sometxid',
vout: 0,
satoshis: 650
tx.from(new bsv.Transaction.UnspentOutput, {
txid: 'sometxid',
vout: 0,
satoshis: 820
tx.to(someAddress, 2000)
tx.to(someAddress, 3000)
const fundedRawTx = purse.pay(tx.uncheckedSerialize(), [{ satoshis: 650 }, { satoshis: 820 }]) // the list has a 1-1 match with the inputs.