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0.0.2 • Public • Published

MCP GitHub Project Manager

A Model Context Protocol (MCP) implementation for managing GitHub issues and projects.


GitHub Issue Management

  • Create issues
  • Update issues
  • List issues with filtering options
  • Get issue details
  • Add comments to issues
  • Close issues

GitHub Project Management

  • Create projects
  • Add issues to projects
  • Update project items (move between columns)
  • List project items


npm install @monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager

Build Process

When you build the project with npm run build, the following happens:

  1. The TypeScript code is compiled to JavaScript in the dist folder
  2. The .env file (if it exists) is automatically copied to the dist folder
  3. If no .env file exists, the .env.example file is copied to the dist folder as a template

This ensures that your environment configuration is always available when running the compiled code, making deployment easier.

# Build the project
npm run build


Environment Setup

Before using the GitHub Project Manager, you need to set up a GitHub token:

Using npm Scripts (Recommended)

The easiest way to set up your environment is to use the provided npm scripts:

# Generate a new .env file with your GitHub token
npm run generate-env

This interactive script will prompt you for your GitHub Personal Access Token and create a properly formatted .env file. When you build the project with npm run build, this file will be automatically copied to the dist folder.

Using Environment File Manually

You can also manually create an environment file. Create a .env file in the root directory of your project based on the provided .env.example:

# Copy the example file
cp .env.example .env

# Edit the .env file with your GitHub token
nano .env

Your .env file should contain at least:


When you build the project with npm run build, the .env file will be automatically copied to the dist folder, making it available when running the compiled code.

Using Environment Variables

You can also set the GitHub token as an environment variable:

# Set the environment variable directly (temporary)
export GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_personal_access_token_here

# Or use the legacy setup script
npm run setup

Running the Server

There are several ways to run the GitHub Project Manager server:

Using the Shell Script

The easiest way to run the server is to use the provided shell script:


This script will automatically look for the .env file in both the dist folder and the project root, and load the environment variables before starting the server.

Using Node.js

You can also run the server directly using Node.js:

# Using the environment variable
GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN=your_github_token node dist/server/index.js

# Or using the built-in environment loader (recommended)
node dist/server/index.js

The server will automatically look for the .env file in the appropriate locations.

Using the API

import { startGitHubProjectManagerServer } from "@monsoft/mcp-github-project-manager";

// Start the server with a token

Available Tools

Issue Management


Create a new issue in a GitHub repository.


  • owner (string): Repository owner (username or organization)
  • repo (string): Repository name
  • title (string): Issue title
  • body (string, optional): Issue body/description
  • labels (string[], optional): Labels to add to this issue
  • assignees (string[], optional): GitHub usernames to assign to this issue
  • milestone (number, optional): Milestone number to associate with this issue


Update an existing issue in a GitHub repository.


  • owner (string): Repository owner (username or organization)
  • repo (string): Repository name
  • issue_number (number): Issue number
  • title (string, optional): New issue title
  • body (string, optional): New issue body
  • state (string, optional): New issue state ('open' or 'closed')
  • labels (string[], optional): Labels to set
  • assignees (string[], optional): GitHub usernames to assign
  • milestone (number, optional): Milestone to set


List issues in a GitHub repository with filtering options.


  • owner (string): Repository owner (username or organization)
  • repo (string): Repository name
  • state (string, optional): Issue state ('open', 'closed', or 'all')
  • sort (string, optional): Sort field ('created', 'updated', or 'comments')
  • direction (string, optional): Sort direction ('asc' or 'desc')
  • since (string, optional): Filter by updated date (ISO 8601 format)
  • per_page (number, optional): Results per page
  • page (number, optional): Page number
  • labels (string[], optional): Filter by labels
  • assignee (string, optional): Filter by assignee
  • creator (string, optional): Filter by creator
  • mentioned (string, optional): Filter by mentioned user
  • milestone (string, optional): Filter by milestone number or title


Get details of a specific issue in a GitHub repository.


  • owner (string): Repository owner (username or organization)
  • repo (string): Repository name
  • issue_number (number): Issue number


Add a comment to an existing issue.


  • owner (string): Repository owner (username or organization)
  • repo (string): Repository name
  • issue_number (number): Issue number
  • body (string): Comment text

Project Management


Create a new GitHub project board.


  • owner (string): Organization name or username
  • name (string): Project name
  • body (string, optional): Project description


Add an issue or pull request to a GitHub project.


  • project_id (number): Project ID
  • content_id (number): Issue or PR ID
  • content_type (string): Type of content to add ('Issue' or 'PullRequest')


Move an item between columns in a GitHub project.


  • project_id (number): Project ID
  • item_id (number): Card ID to move
  • column_id (number): Column ID to move the card to
  • position (string or number, optional): Position in the column ('top', 'bottom', or specific position)


List items in a GitHub project.


  • project_id (number): Project ID
  • column_id (number, optional): Column ID to filter by

Error Handling

The GitHub Project Manager provides detailed error information for various scenarios:

  • Authentication errors
  • Resource not found errors
  • Validation errors
  • Rate limit errors
  • Network errors


Environment Configuration Issues

If you encounter issues with the environment configuration:

  1. Missing GitHub Token: If you see an error about a missing GitHub token, make sure you've created a .env file with your GITHUB_PERSONAL_TOKEN using one of the methods described above.

  2. Environment File Not Found: If the server can't find your .env file, try running npm run generate-env to create one, or manually copy .env.example to .env and add your token.

  3. Token Permissions: Ensure your GitHub token has the necessary permissions for the operations you're trying to perform (repo, project, etc.).

  4. Build Issues: If you've modified the environment configuration, make sure to rebuild the project with npm run build to copy the updated .env file to the dist folder.



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