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A Docusaurus plugin for generating source code /api/* routes, powered by TypeDoc.

The plugin has been designed to document your public API by default (anything exported from a package's entry point), so any private, protected, or internal code will not be generated.


  • typescript >= v4
  • @docusaurus/core >= v2.0.0-beta.18
  • @docusaurus/preset-classic >= v2.0.0-beta.18



yarn add --dev docusaurus-plugin-typedoc-api

Open your docusaurus.config.js and make the following changes:

  • Add a link to the API route under themeConfig.navbar.items and themeConfig.footer.links (if desired).
module.exports = {
  // ...
  themeConfig: {
    // ...
    navbar: {
      // ...
      items: [
        // ...
          to: 'api',
          label: 'API',
          position: 'left',
  • Configure the plugin in your plugins list. The projectRoot and packages options are required.
module.exports = {
  // ...
  plugins: [
        projectRoot: path.join(__dirname, '..'),
        // Monorepo
        packages: ['packages/example', 'packages/other'],
        // Polyrepo
        packages: ['.'],


The following options are available to the plugin:

  • projectRoot (string) - Absolute path to the project root where tsconfig.json is located. (Required)
  • packages ((string | PackageConfig)[]) - List of packages relative to the project root. (Required)
  • banner (string) - Banner message to display at the top of the index page. Supports HTML.
  • changelogName (string) - Name of the changelog file within a package. Defaults to CHANGELOG.md.
  • changelogs (boolean) - Include and render the changelog file from every package. Defaults to false.
  • exclude (string[]) - List of glob patterns to exclude unwanted packages. This is necessary when using TypeScript project references.
  • gitRefName (string) - GitHub repository ref name to point the API links to. Defaults to master.
  • minimal (boolean) - Render a minimal layout and reduce the amount of information displayed. Defaults to false.
  • packageJsonName (string) - Name of the package.json file. Defaults to package.json.
  • readmeName (string) - Name of the readme file within a package. Defaults to README.md.
  • readmes (boolean) - Include and render the readme file from every package. Defaults to false.
  • removeScopes (string[]) - Package scopes and prefixes to remove when displaying the package name in the sidebar and index. For example, boost will remove @boost/ and boost-.
  • sortPackages ((a, d) => number) - Function to sort the package list in the sidebar and on the index page. Defaults to alphabetical.
  • sortSidebar ((a, d) => number) - Function to sort the categories and items within each sidebar, excluding "Overview" and "Changelog". Defaults to alphabetical.
  • tsconfigName (string) - Name of the TypeScript config file in the project root. Defaults to tsconfig.json.
  • typedocOptions (object) - TypeDoc options to pass to the compiler. Only supports a small subset of options, primarily around visibility exclusion.


The packages option has been designed to support multiple packages, with multiple entry points per package. By default the option accepts a list of strings, where each value is a relative path to a package folder, and a default entry point of src/index.ts.

module.exports = {
  packages: ['packages/core', 'packages/react'],

However, an object can be provided to customize the entry point. All entry point file paths are relative to the package folder, and support 2 formats:

  • Index imports - Consumers can only import from the package index. This is typically an entry point like src/index.ts.
  • Deep imports - Consumers can import anything from the package using its file path. Glob the entire package by only passing the folder name like src/. (This is useful for component libraries)
module.exports = {
  packages: [
      path: 'packages/react',
      // Index only imports allowed
      // import {} from 'package'
      entry: 'src/index.tsx',
      // Deep imports allowed
      // import {} from 'package/some/nested/file'
      entry: 'src/',

When not using deep imports, multiple entry points can be defined by passing a map of objects to entry, where each key is a sub-path that can be imported from the package (excluding the index). Each entry object requires a path and a label, which is used for categorizing and sidebars.

module.exports = {
  packages: [
      path: 'packages/react',
      entry: {
        // import {} from 'package'
        index: 'src/index.tsx',
        // import {} from 'package/client'
        client: { file: 'src/client.tsx', label: 'Client' },
        // import {} from 'package/server'
        server: { file: 'src/server.tsx', label: 'Server' },
        // import {} from 'package/server/test'
        'server/test': { file: 'src/server/test-utils.tsx', label: 'Server test utils' },

Index entry points don't require a label, so a file path can be passed directly.


This plugin supports API and documentation linking within source code docblocks via the @apilink and @doclink tokens respectively. This works in a similar fashion to TypeDoc's @link resolution, but also supports Docusaurus versioning and routing patterns.


When linking to other APIs, you must reference them by class name, function name, property, etc, instead of the actual /api route.

# Maps to /api/<package>/class/Registry#register
{@apilink Registry.register}
{@apilink Registry.register | Text to use as the label}


When linking to documentation pages, you must reference the article by its URL identifier without the /docs prefix.

# Maps to /docs/commands/setup
{@doclink commands/setup}
{@doclink commands/setup | Text to use as the label}


This plugin supports API versioning by piggy-backing off the built-in docs versioning implementation, which is a requirement for this to work correctly.

To begin, version your docs with the built-in command:

yarn docusaurus docs:version 1.2.3

Once the markdown files are generated, run our versioning command with the same version used previously:

yarn docusaurus api:version 1.2.3

This will create multiple JSON files in the versioned_docs/version-1.2.3 directory. Be sure to commit these files to your repo.

When versioning, the current state of your branch will be used as that version's API. To update/regenerate old versions, you'll need to checkout an old commit, re-version, and copy the generated files to the latest branch.


Our API is unable to use the docsVersionDropdown navigation type, as it's hardcoded in Docusaurus core. However, you can create a custom version dropdown like so:

const versions = require('./versions.json');

module.exports = {
  // ...
  themeConfig: {
    // ...
    navbar: {
      // ...
      items: [
        // ...
          type: 'dropdown',
          to: 'api',
          label: 'API',
          position: 'left',
          items: [
            { label: 'Next', to: 'api/next' },
            ...versions.map((version, i) => ({
              label: version,
              to: i === 0 ? 'api' : `api/${version}`,

This workaround isn't perfect and may be buggy. Use at your own risk!


  • Each version in versioned_docs (or versions.json) must contain the generated API JSON files, otherwise the build will fail.
  • The header/footer API links are not version aware, as their values are static.
  • We suggest only versioning major versions, as the size of these JSON files and the webpack build will get very large very fast.


There's another plugin called docusaurus-plugin-typedoc, that offers a similar solution. However, there are many differences between that package and this one, with the biggest being that theirs generates markdown files and /docs/api/... styled routes, while ours renders custom React pages with /api/... styled routes. Some other differences are:

  • An index of all packages.
  • Readme inclusion and rendering.
  • Custom styles, sections, and headings.
  • Multiple function and method signatures.
  • Versioning!
  • And probably more....

Package Sidebar


npm i @mpetrunic/docusaurus-plugin-typedoc-api

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  • mpetrunic