
1.4.6 • Public • Published

gitflow command line release helper - less typing when doing a gitflow release

XO code style


  • gitflow has to be initialized (please use gitflow-avh because nvie/gitflow hasn't been updated in years)
  • there needs to be at least one previous release with a valid semver version
  • npm > 3, node > 6


Install from npm

$ npm i -g gf-release

To start the release, call

$ gf-release [options] [command]

from the root of a gitflow enabled repo

What it does

  • check if the production and dev branches are up to date with the upstream branches
  • prompt for selecting the release type (major, minor, patch)
  • detect the last release version and the new release version based on the selection
  • start the gitflow release
    • bump the version number(s) of all files set in the config (see Config section below)
    • update the history file if it is specified in the config
    • execute the build script if it is specified in the config
    • commit the changes (use the -m cli flag for a custom commit message, otherwise it's Release ${releaseVersion})
  • finish the release
  • prompt if all branches and tags should be pushed
  • if everything was pushed, prompt if 'npm publish' should be executed (unless disabled via cli option)

Command line options

$ gf-release -h


help  Display help


-d, --dry-run     only log commands without executing them (disabled by default)
-m, --message     enter a custom tag message, if not set it will be "Release [newVersion]"
-n, --no-publish  don't prompt for npm publish (disabled by default)
-s, --skip-build  skip build before finishing release
-t, --type        enter a bump version type - patch, minor or major

-h, --help        Output usage information
-v, --version     Output the version number


This is the default configuration:

    versionFiles: ["package.json"],
    productionBranchName: "master",
    developBranchName: "develop",
    upstream: "origin",
    commitMessagesExclude: ['Merge tag'],
    commitMessagesInclude: [],
    buildCommand: null,
    historyFile: null,
    commitBaseUrl: null
  • versionFiles: json files that contain a version field which should be bumped when releasing
  • productionBranchName / developBranchName: self explanatory
  • upstream can be changed in case there's an alias set for origin
  • commitMessagesExclude: Array of strings, commit messages containing one of the strings won't be included in the History
  • commitMessagesInclude: Array of strings, only include commit messages in the History that contain one of the strings
    • if commitMessagesInclude contains one or more strings, the exclude array will be ignored
  • buildCommand: this command will be run before finishing the release, e.g npm run build
  • historyFile: if set it will prepend the history between the last release and this one to the file, e.g 'History.md'
  • commitBaseUrl: e.g. https://github.com/stbaer/gf-release/commit if set, links will be added to commits

It can be overwritten by adding a releaseConfig field to the package.json.

"releaseConfig": {
    "versionFiles": ["package.json", "config/version.json"],
    "buildCommand": "npm run myBuildScript",
    "productionBranchName": "prod",
    "developBranchName": "dev",
    "upstream": "myOriginAlias"

Contribute or Report Issue

Pull requests should target the develop branch.

For bugs and feature requests, please create an issue.


MIT, see LICENSE.md for details.

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  • msowa