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0.4.2 • Public • Published


Code Style: Google Vue 3 NPM Package Version Bundle Size

Tetikus is a custom cursor component made for Vue 3 🖱️.

⚠️ WARNING: This component DOES NOT WORK with Vue 2! Consider upgrading to Vue 3 as it's already been officially released.

⚠️ WARNING: This library DOES NOT work on older browsers that doesn't support esnext, the reason is stated here

Table of Contents


  • Easily customizable, you're not locked with basic circle shape and most events are emitted properly
  • Relatively performant, uses native browser technologies
  • Relatively small, the minified build is only 6.3KB gzipped 📦
  • Made with Typescript, no more guessing games 🤔
  • Depends on nothing, all features are implemented with pure CSS, JS, and Vue ✌️.


Simply execute this script from your terminal

npm install @namchee/tetikus --save

After that, you can add it to your Vue 3 application by using the .use() like:

import { createApp } from 'vue';
import Root from './Root.vue';
import Tetikus from '@namchee/tetikus';
import '@namchee/tetikus/dist/tetikus.css';

const app = createApp(Root);


Just use the component in your root file. You can use the directives on any element in your app.

// Root.vue
    <tetikus />

// ...rest of your code

// Somewhere.vue
  <div v-thover="{ scale: 0.8 }">
    // ...

// If you're not using the global installation method,
// make sure to install the components and directives correctly


Prop Name Type Default Description
showDefaultCursor boolean false Determines if the native cursor should be shown alongside tetikus component. Useful for accessability purposes.
throttleSpeed number (integer) 1 Number of mousemove event that should be fired per 1000 milliseconds. The higher the number, the choppier the cursor movement will be. Useful to boost performance.
borderWidth number (px) 2 Border width of default cursor shape in pixels.
color string transparent Background color of default cursor shape. Accept any CSS color value.
borderColor string #121212 Border color of default cursor shape. Accept any CSS color value.
size number (px) 36 Size of default cursor shape in pixels
invertColor boolean false Determines if the default cursor shape should apply mix-blend-mode: difference
buttonMap Array ['left'] List of mouse button that should trigger tetikus-mouse-down event. Possible values are left, right, middle
clickBehavior TransformProps {} Determines transforms that should be applied to default cursor when a click event is registered
showOnTouch boolean false Determines if the cursor should be shown on 'touch'-devices. ⚠️ Unless you know what are you doing, leave this on false ⚠️
opacity number (between 0.0 - 1.0) 1 Opacity of default cursor.
hideOnOut boolean false Determines if the custom cursor should be hidden when the cursor leaves the viewport
contentPosition string center Determines the position of contents slot relative to the cursor. Possible values are center, bottom, right
lerp number 1 Linear Interpolation Value
options Object {} All of other options in one single object. Will gracefully fallback if some values are not provided.


Name Description
(default slot) Determines the cursor shape to be used. The default shape is a perfect circle ⚠️ Currently, using this slot will render any previously defined behaviors invalid. Any transition MUST be handled by yours truly ⚠️
contents Content to be displayed with the cursor


Name Params Description
tetikus-window-leave   Fired when the cursor leaves the viewport
tetikus-window-enter   Fired when the cursor enters the viewport
tetikus-mouse-move (event: MouseEvent) Fired when the cursor moves on the viewport
tetikus-mouse-down (event: MouseEvent) Fired when any previously registered mouse buttons are clicked by the user
tetikus-mouse-up (event: MouseEvent) Fired when any previously registered mouse buttons are lifted
tetikus-element-in (behavior: HoverBehavior) Fired when the cursor hovers over any element that has tetikus hover directives
tetikus-element-out (behavior: HoverBehavior) Fired when the cursor exits from the bounding box of any element that has tetikus hover directives


Name Value Description
thover (can be customized from options) TransformProps Determines transform to be applied when the cursor hovers this element

Component Options

These values will set default values for tetikus component

Name Type Default Description
directiveName string thover Name for the hover directive.
transitionSpeed number (ms) 200 Animation speed for CSS transition.
easing string ease-out Easing function for CSS transition. Accept anything than can be represented using cubic-bezier
delay number (ms) 0 Delay for CSS transition.


Name Property Type Description
TransformOpts value T Value for the transformation.
  duration (optional) number (ms) Transition duration. If the value is omitted, default value will be used
  delay (optional) number (ms) Delay for CSS transition.
  easing (optional) string Easing function for CSS transition. Accept anything than can be represented using cubic-bezier
TransformProps scale (optional) TransformOpts<number>, number Determines the scale of cursor to be applied on transition.
  color (optional) TransformOpts<string>, string Determines the background color of cursor to be applied on transition.
  borderWidth (optional) TransformOpts<number>, number Determines the border width of cursor to be applied on transition.
  borderColor (optional) TransformOpts<string>, string Determines the border color of cursor to be applied on transition. Accepts any CSS color string.
  opacity (optional) TransformOpts<number>, number (between 0.0 - 1.0) Determines the opacity of cursor to be applied on transition.
  id (optional) string, string[] Specify instances which should transform on hover event. Useful when you have multiple tetikus instances. Won't work at all on click events, you must register different behaviors directly into the instances.
HoverBehavior domElement HTMLElement The HTML element that triggers tetikus-element-in and tetikus-element-out events.
  transformProps TransformProps Transformation to be applied on the cursor element.

Note: When any property of TransformProps is defined without TransformOpts, the transition settings (duration, easing, delay) for that property will be applied with default values.


Make sure that your have NodeJS and npm installed in your computer!

  1. Clone this repository
  2. Navigate to the project directory
  3. Install all required dependency by executing npm install from your terminal
  4. Link the project with the playground
  5. Execute npm run build:watch from your terminal
  6. Happy developing!


This project is licensed under MIT License

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  • namcheee