
1.2.0 • Public • Published

Narakeet API client

Command line client that allows building videos using the Narakeet API.
See https://www.narakeet.com/docs/automating/ for more information.


Install from NPM using "npm i -g @narakeet/api-client"
Upgrade from a previous version using "npm i -g @narakeet/api-client@latest"


narakeet-api-client --api-key <api-key> \
--source <source file> \
--repository <repository> \
--repository-type <repository type> \
[optional arguments]

Mandatory arguments:

* --api-key: Your Narakeet API key

Additional arguments for video projects:

* --source: (Required) Narakeet script path inside the repository
* --repository: (Required) Narakeet project location
See "Repository types" below for more information
* --repository-type: (Required) Project location type (eg github or local-dir)
See "Repository types" below for more information
Additional arguments for GitHub repositories:

* --github-token: (Required) repository access token
* --github-sha: (Optional) source commit SHA
useful for building from a specific tag or version
if not specified, the current head commit will be used

Additional arguments for audio (text-to-speech) projects:

* --script: input text for speech synthesis, required if script-file is not specified
* --script-file: (Optional) file containing the input script, relative to current directory
* --output-type: (Optional) output file type. "wav", "m4a" or "mp3".
Defaults to m4a
* --voice: (Optional) default voice for text-to-speech synthesis. See
https://www.narakeet.com/languages/ for available options

Optional arguments:

* --output: File name for the resulting file.
Default: result.mp4 for videos, or result.<type> for audio
* --project-type: "video" or "audio". selects slower video build or faster
text-to-speech build. Default: video
* --verbose: Print troubleshooting information when working
* --api-url: override the API url, useful for testing

Repository types:


Use the files inside a directory on your local disk.
To use this option, provide the following:

--repository: Directory path for the project
--source: path inside the directory for your main script file

NOTE: This requires your OS TEMP directory to be writable,
as the client will create a temporary ZIP file there
and upload it to Narakeet. If the TEMP dir is not writable,
use the local-zip repository type.


Package your project as a ZIP file on your local disk.
To use this option, provide the following:

--repository: path to the ZIP archive on your local disk
--source: path inside the archive four main script file


Package your project as a ZIP file, and upload it somewhere for Narakeet to
download. (for example, upload to S3 and generate a pre-signed URL for
private downlads).
To use this option, provide the following:

--repository: URL of your ZIP file
--source: path inside the archive to your main script file


Commit your project to GitHub, and build directly from the repository.
To use this option, provide the following:

--repository-type: github
--repository: GitHub repository name (user/project)
--github-token: access token with rights to download the repository
--github-sha: optional, SHA commit to download


Build a video from a local directory:

narakeet-api-client --api-key $API_KEY \
--source source.md \
--repository my-video-project \
--repository-type local-dir

Build a video from a local zip:

narakeet-api-client --api-key $API_KEY \
--source source.md \
--repository my-video-project.zip \
--repository-type local-zip

Build a video from a git repo:

narakeet-api-client --api-key $API_KEY \
--source hello-world/script/source.md \
--repository narakeet/examples \
--repository-type github \
--github-token $GITHUB_TOKEN

Build a video from a ZIP published to a URL:

narakeet-api-client --api-key $API_KEY \
--repository $URL \
--source source.md \
--repository-type zip-url

Build an audio WAV from text, saving to result.wav:

narakeet-api-client --api-key $API_KEY \
--project-type audio \
--script "Hi there" \
--output-type wav

Build an audio WAV from text, using voice Brian, saving to result.wav:

narakeet-api-client --api-key $API_KEY \
--project-type audio \
--script "Hi there" \
--output-type wav \
--voice brian

Build an audio WAV from text, using voice Brian, saving to brian.wav:

narakeet-api-client --api-key $API_KEY \
--project-type audio \
--script "Hi there" \
--output-type wav \
--voice brian \
--output brian.wav

Build an audio MP3 from a local text file, saving to result.mp3:

narakeet-api-client --api-key $API_KEY \
--project-type audio \
--script-file script.txt \
--output-type mp3

Build an audio WAV from a local text file, using the Rodney
voice, saving to my-script.wav

narakeet-api-client --api-key $API_KEY \
--project-type audio \
--script-file script.txt \
--output-type wav \
--voice rodney \
--output my-script.wav

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