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14.1.33 • Public • Published


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A NativeScript Pager / Carousel component that allows the user to swipe left and right through pages of data.

iOS Demo Android Demo

Table of Contents


Run the following command from the root of your project:

ns plugin add @nativescript-community/ui-pager



Property Type
items array or ItemsSource
selectedIndex number
canGoRight boolean
canGoLeft boolean
spacing PercentLengthType
peaking PercentLengthType
perPage number
indicator string ('disable', 'none', 'worm', 'fill', 'swap', 'thin_worm', 'flat')
circularMode boolean
autoPlayDelay number
autoPlay boolean
orientation string ('horizontal' or 'vertical')
autoPlay boolean
disableSwipe boolean
showIndicator boolean
transformers string
Pager for NativeScript supports the core ObservableArray module part of the core NativeScript modules collection. Using an ObservableArray instance as a source for Pager will ensure that changes in the source collection will be automatically taken care of by the control.

Usage in Angular

Import the module into your project.

import { PagerModule } from "@nativescript-community/ui-pager/angular";

    imports: [


  • Static Pager
    • A simple pager example using static content.
  • Basic Pager
    • A simple pager example using dynamic content.

Usage in React

Import the module into your project.

import { Pager } from '@nativescript-community/ui-pager/react';


  • Basic Pager
    • A simple pager example using dynamic content.

Usage in Svelte

Import the module into your project.

import { registerNativeViewElement } from 'svelte-native/dom';

import PagerElement from '@nativescript-community/ui-pager/svelte';
import { PagerItem } from '@nativescript-community/ui-pager';

registerNativeViewElement('pageritem', () => PagerItem);


  • Static Pager
    • A simple pager example using static content.
  • Basic Pager
    • A simple pager example using dynamic content.

Usage in Vue

Import the module into your project.

import Vue from 'nativescript-vue';
import Pager from '@nativescript-community/ui-pager/vue';



  • Static Pager
    • A simple pager example using static content.
  • Basic Pager
    • A simple pager example using dynamic content.

Custom Transformer

You can define custom transformer for iOS/Android

You can follow the Scale example for iOS and Android to create your custom transformer.

Then you can register your transformer on app start with (this example registered the included but not registered Scale transformer):

import { Pager } from '@nativescript-community/ui-pager';
import transformer from '@nativescript-community/ui-pager/transformers/Scale';

Pager.registerTransformer('scale', transformer)

Then you can use that transformer with the transformers property of Pager

Package Sidebar


npm i @nativescript-community/ui-pager

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