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1.0.87 • Public • Published

ND Flex Core AngularEditor

Fork of @kolkov/angular-editor modified for specific needs of our company. Please use the original repo at https://github.com/kolkov/angular-editor.

Important versions

This version introduces several breaking changes:

  • uses Ivy compiler
  • does not support projects with older CkFinder component for inserting images / files
  • requires at least Angular 14
  • this version is intended for projects based on Flex Core from 2023

From this version on, all inserted images are automatically inserted to <picture> element, thus webp images will be used, if possible on the target project.
If you do not plan using webp, use 1.0.80.

Getting Started


Install via [npm][npm] package manager

npm install @ndflexcore/angular-editor --save


Import angular-editor module

import { HttpClientModule} from '@angular/common/http';
import { AngularEditorModule } from '@kolkov/angular-editor';

  imports: [ HttpClientModule, AngularEditorModule ]

Then in HTML

<angular-editor [placeholder]="'Enter text here...'" [(ngModel)]="htmlContent" (ftpNeeded)="onFtpNeeded($event)" [ftpLink]="selectedFtpLink"></angular-editor>

or for usage with reactive forms

<angular-editor formControlName="htmlContent" [config]="editorConfig" (ftpNeeded)="onFtpNeeded($event)" [ftpLink]="selectedFtpLink"></angular-editor>

if you using more than one editor on same page set id property

<angular-editor id="editor1" formControlName="htmlContent1" [config]="editorConfig" (ftpNeeded)="onFtpNeeded($event)" [ftpLink]="selectedFtpLink"></angular-editor>
<angular-editor id="editor2" formControlName="htmlContent2" [config]="editorConfig" (ftpNeeded)="onFtpNeeded($event)" [ftpLink]="selectedFtpLink"></angular-editor>


import { AngularEditorConfig } from '@ndflexcore/angular-editor';

editorConfig: AngularEditorConfig = {
    editable: true,
      spellcheck: true,
      height: 'auto',
      minHeight: '0',
      maxHeight: 'auto',
      width: 'auto',
      minWidth: '0',
      translate: 'yes',
      enableToolbar: true,
      showToolbar: true,
      placeholder: 'Enter text here...',
      defaultParagraphSeparator: '',
      defaultFontName: '',
      defaultFontSize: '',
      fonts: [
        {class: 'arial', name: 'Arial'},
        {class: 'times-new-roman', name: 'Times New Roman'},
        {class: 'calibri', name: 'Calibri'},
        {class: 'comic-sans-ms', name: 'Comic Sans MS'}
      customClasses: [
        name: 'quote',
        class: 'quote',
        name: 'redText',
        class: 'redText'
        name: 'titleText',
        class: 'titleText',
        tag: 'h1',
    uploadUrl: 'v1/image',
    uploadWithCredentials: false,
    sanitize: true,
    toolbarPosition: 'top',
    language: 'cs',
    imageServerUrl: '',
    imageType: 'preview',
    presetWidth: 98,
    presetHeight: 98,
    toolbarHiddenButtons: [
      ['bold', 'italic'],

For ngModel to work, you must import FormsModule from @angular/forms, or for formControlName, you must import ReactiveFormsModule from @angular/forms



Input Type Default Required Description
id string - no Id property when multiple editor used on same page
[config] AngularEditorConfig default config no config for the editor
placeholder string - no Set custom placeholder for input area
tabIndex number - no Set Set tabindex on angular-editor
ftpLink DirectoryChild - no The ftpLink (either Image or Generic File) from external browser component


Output Description
(html) Output html
(viewMode) Fired when switched visual and html source mode
(blur) Fired when editor blur
(focus) Fired when editor focus
(ftpNeeded) Fired when 'Insert Image/File from FTP' toolbar button is clicked


Name Description
focus Focuses the editor element


Name Type Description
AngularEditorConfig configuration Configuration for the AngularEditor component.


Input Type Default Required Description
editable bolean true no Set editing enabled or not
spellcheck bolean true no Set spellchecking enabled or not
translate sting yes no Set translating enabled or not
sanitize bolean true no Set DOM sanitizing enabled or not
height string auto no Set height of the editor
minHeight string 0 no Set minimum height of the editor
maxHeight string auto no Set maximum height of the editor
width string auto no Set width of the editor
minWidth string 0 no Set minimum width of the editor
enableToolbar bolean true no Set toolbar enabled or not
showToolbar bolean true no Set toolbar visible or not
toolbarPosition string top no Set toolbar position top or bottom
placeholder string - no Set placeholder text
defaultParagraphSeparator string - no Set default paragraph separator such as p
defaultFontName string - no Set default font such as Comic Sans MS
defaultFontSize string - no Set default font size such as 1 - 7
uploadUrl string - no Set image upload endpoint https://api.exapple.com/v1/image/upload
uploadWithCredentials bolean false no Set passing or not credentials in the image upload call
fonts Font[] - no Set array of available fonts [{name, class},...]
customClasses CustomClass[] - no Set array of available fonts [{name, class, tag},...]
outline bolean true no Set outline of the editor if in focus
toolbarHiddenButtons string[][] - no Set of the array of button names or elements to hide
language 'cs' | 'en'` cs yes The language of the editor tooltips
imageServerUrl string - yes The URL of the Image Server
imageType string preview yes The Image Type
presetWidth number 98 yes The preset width of the image, used when user does not enter one
presetHeight number 98 yes The preset height of the image, used when user does not enter one
toolbarHiddenButtons: [

What's included

Within the download you'll find the following directories and files. You'll see something like this:

└── projects/
    ├── angular-editor/
    └── angular-editor-app/

angular-editor/ - library

angular-editor-app/ - demo application


Andrey Kolkov

The Author of the original repo. Thank you Andrey and Long Life to Russia!

Petr Humplík on behalf of NetDirect s.r.o.

Author of the specifically modified version (this repo).






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  • ndflexcore