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8.10.1 • Public • Published


This is the Mintbase Wallet package for NEAR Wallet Selector.

Installation and Usage

The easiest way to use this package is to install it from the NPM registry, this package requires near-api-js v1.0.0 or above:

# Using Yarn
yarn add near-api-js

# Using NPM.
npm install near-api-js
# Using Yarn
yarn add @near-wallet-selector/mintbase-wallet

# Using NPM.
npm install @near-wallet-selector/mintbase-wallet

Then use it in your dApp:

import { setupWalletSelector } from "@near-wallet-selector/core";
import { setupMintbaseWallet } from "@near-wallet-selector/mintbase-wallet";

const mintbaseWallet =  setupMintbaseWallet({
  networkId: 'mainnet',
  walletUrl: 'https://wallet.mintbase.xyz',
  callbackUrl: 'https://www.mywebsite.com',
  contractId: "yourcontract.near", //remove if you don't want limited access keys to be generated
  deprecated: false,

const selector = await setupWalletSelector({
  network: "testnet",
  modules: [mintbaseWallet],


  • networkId: (string?): 'mainnet' or 'testnet' . Defaults to mainnet.
  • deprecated: (boolean?): Deprecated is optional. Default is false.
  • callbackUrl: (string?): Valid url to send your user after txn.
  • walletUrl: (string?): wallet url: https://wallet.mintbase.xyz for mainnet and https://testnet.wallet.mintbase.xyz for testnet.
  • contractId: (string?): the contract for which the generated limited access key will allow transactions, if you do not need a limited access key do not add this and it wont be created providing quicker onboarding


This repository is distributed under the terms of both the MIT license and the Apache License (Version 2.0).

Package Sidebar


npm i @near-wallet-selector/mintbase-wallet

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  • valeriivanchevlimechain
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  • trechriron
  • danny_near
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  • nearlysean