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0.3.8 • Public • Published


A library that wrap Keycloak ( an OpenID Connect server implementation ) own Javascript Adapter, allowing an Angular app to rely on Authorization Code Flow for user authentication.

Authorization Code Flow is the default option and the one for which this library has been built. Other flows could work too, but are not officially supported.

It has been developed with Angular 6 and Keycloak 4.5 as targets. It's possible the library could work also with different targets version but, again, it's not officially supported.


npm install --save @nes/angular-auth-keycloak


Add Keycloak Javascript Adapter script to your page, you can source it directly from your running Keycloak server instance.

<script type="text/javascript" src="http://my-keycloak-server-address/auth/js/keycloak.js"></script>

Import AngularAuthKeycloakModule into the root application module, providing configuration settings.

Using forRoot module method:

  • the first argument define Keycloak context
  • the second argument define the behavior that AuthenticatedUserGuard must adopt in case the user is not authenticated, there are two built-in implementations:
    • LoginIfUnauthenticated: redirect to Keycloak login page, it's the default behavior if none is specified
    • NavigateToRouteIfUnauthenticated: navigate to a route of current Angular application specified through UNAUTHENTICATED_USER_REDIRECTION_ROUTE injection token
  • the third argument is optional, and define the behavior that AuthorizedUserGuard must adopt in case the user account does not meet authorization criteria specified in the route, there is one built-in implementation:
    • NavigateToRouteIfUnauthorized: navigate to a route of current Angular application specified through UNAUTHORIZED_USER_REDIRECTION_ROUTE injection token

You are free to roll your own behaviors by extending UnauthenticatedUserReaction and UnauthorizedUserReaction abstract classes.

const oidcSettings = {
  url: 'http://my-keycloak-server-address/auth',
  realm: 'my-secured-realm',
  clientId: 'this-relying-client-id'

  declarations: [...],
  imports: [
  providers: [
      useValue: '/unauthorized'
  bootstrap: [...]
export class AppModule { }

Use AuthenticatedUserGuard to protect routes you want only authenticated user to access:

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'protected-page', component: ProtectedPageComponent, canActivate: [ AuthenticatedUserGuard ] }

Use AuthorizedUserGuard to protect routes you want only user with a specific role to access:

const routes: Routes = [
  { path: 'protected-page', component: ProtectedPageComponent, data: { authorization: [ 'admin' ] }, canActivate: [ AuthorizededUserGuard ] }



The source code is located in ./projects/angular-auth-keycloak/

To build it use ng build angular-auth-keycloak, it will then be available in ./dist/angular-auth-keycloak/.

Sample App

The source code is located in ./src/app/

To run the sample execute ng serve, it will then be available at http://localhost:4200.

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  • nes