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2.6.0 • Public • Published


This library contains a two guards that allows for checking multiple guards and creating complex logical statements based on the results of those guards for if the request should be completed or not.


Pick your favorite package manager and install. Should be straight forward.

npm i @nest-lab/or-guard
yarn add @nest-lab/or-guard
pnpm i @nest-lab/or-guard


To use the OrGuard, there are a couple of things that need to happen, due to how the guard resolves the guards it's going to be using.

First, make sure to add all the guards the OrGuard will be using to the current module's providers array. Enhancer in Nest are just specialized providers after all. This will allow the OrGuard to use a ModuleRef to get these guards. The guards can either be registered directly as providers, or set up as custom providers and you may use an injection token reference. Make sure, that if you use a custom provider, the instance of the guard is what is tied to the token, not the reference to the class.

Second, make sure none of these guards are REQUEST or TRANSIENT scoped, as this will make the OrGuard throw an error.

Third, make use of it! The OrGuard takes in an array of guard to use for the first parameter, and an optional second parameter for options as described below.

important: for Nest v7, use @nest-lab/or-guard@1.0.0, for Nest v8, please use v2

OrGuard(guards: Array<Type<CanActivate> | InjectionToken>, orGuardOptions?: OrGuardOptions): CanActivate
  • guards: an array of guards or injection tokens for the OrGuard to resolve and test
  • orGuardOptions: an optional object with properties to modify how the OrGuard functions
interface OrGuardOptions {
  throwOnFirstError?: boolean;
  throwLastError?: boolean;
  throwError?: object | ((errors: unknown[]) => unknown);
  • throwOnFirstError: a boolean to tell the OrGuard whether to throw if an error is encountered or if the error should be considered a return false. The default value is false. If this is set to true, the first error encountered will lead to the same error being thrown.
  • throwLastError: a boolean to tell the OrGuard if the last error should be handled with return false or just thrown. The default value is false. If this is set to true, the last error encountered will lead to the same error being thrown.
  • throwError: provide a custom error to throw if all guards fail or provide a function to receive all encountered errors and return a custom error to throw.

Note: guards are ran in a non-deterministic order. All guard returns are transformed into Observables and ran concurrently to ensure the fastest response time possible.


Just like the OrGuard, you can create a logic grouping of situations that should pass. This is Nest's default when there are multiple guards passed to the @UseGuards() decorator; however, there are situations where it would be useful to use an AndGuard inside of an OrGuard to be able to create logic like (A && B) || C. With using an AndGuard inside of an OrGuard, you'll most likely want to create a dedicated custom provider for the guard like so:

  provide: AndGuardToken,
  useClass: AndGuard([GuardA, GuardB])

With this added to the module's providers where you plan to use the related OrGuard you can use the following in a controller or resolve:

@UseGuards(OrGuard([AndGuardToken, GuardC]))

And this library will set up the handling of the logic for (GuardA && GuardB) || GuardC without having to worry about the complexities under the hood.

AndGuard(guards: Array<Type<CanActivate> | InjectionToken>, andGuardOptions?: AndGuardOptions): CanActivate
  • guards: an array of guards or injection tokens for the AndGuard to resolve and test
  • andGuardOptions: an optional object with properties to modify how the AndGuard functions
interface AndGuardOptions {
  // immediately stop all other guards and throw an error
  throwOnFirstError?: boolean;
  // run the guards in order they are declared in the array rather than in parallel
  sequential?: boolean;

Local Development

Feel free to pull down the repository and work locally. If any changes are made, please make sure tests are added to ensure the functionality works and nothing is broken.

Running unit tests

Run nx test or-guard to execute the unit tests via Jest.




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