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0.7.5 • Public • Published

NestCloud - Schedule

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This schedule module is forked from @nestjs/schedule.

And add some new features:

  • Distributed supports that by using UseLocker() decorator.

  • Retryable Job.

  • Executing job immediately for Interval and Timeout job.


$ npm i --save @nestcfork/schedule


import { Module } from '@nestjs/common';
import { ScheduleModule } from '@nestcfork/schedule';

  imports: [
export class AppModule {
import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Cron, Timeout, Interval } from '@nestcfork/schedule';

export class TasksService {
  private readonly logger = new Logger(TasksService.name);

  @Cron('45 * * * * *')
  handleCron() {
    this.logger.debug('Called when the current second is 45');
  handleInterval() {
    this.logger.debug('Called every 5 seconds');

  handleTimeout() {
    this.logger.debug('Called after 5 seconds');

Schedule Cron Job By Object Literal Syntax

@See node-schedule#object-literal-syntax

import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Cron } from '@nestcfork/schedule';

export class TasksService {
  private readonly logger = new Logger(TasksService.name);

    rule: '45 * * * * *',
    start: new Date(Date.now() + 5000),
    end: new Date(Date.now() + 10000),
    tz: 'Asia/Shanghai'
  handleCron() {
    this.logger.debug('Called when the time is Sunday 14:30');

Schedule Cron Job With StartTime And EndTime

@See node-schedule#set-startTime-and-endTime

import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Cron } from '@nestcfork/schedule';

export class TasksService {
  private readonly logger = new Logger(TasksService.name);

  @Cron({ hour: 14, minute: 30, dayOfWeek: 0, tz: 'Asia/Shanghai' })
  handleCron() {
    this.logger.debug('Called when the current second is 45');

Dynamic Schedule Job

import { Injectable, Logger, OnModuleInit } from '@nestjs/common';
import { InjectSchedule, Schedule } from '@nestcfork/schedule';

export class TasksService implements OnModuleInit {
  private readonly logger = new Logger(TasksService.name);

    @InjectSchedule() private readonly schedule: Schedule,
  ) {

  execute() {
    this.logger.debug('execute dynamic job');
  onModuleInit() {
    this.schedule.createIntervalJob(this.execute.bind(this), 3000, {name: 'test_job'});

Distributed Support

Dynamic job is not support distributed locker now.

  1. Implements Locker interface
import { Locker } from '@nestcfork/schedule';
import { Injectable } from '@nestjs/common';

export class TaskLocker implements Locker {
  private name: string;

  init(name: string): void {
    this.name = name;

  release(): any {

  async tryLock(): Promise<boolean> {
    return true;
  1. Use your locker
import { Injectable, Logger } from '@nestjs/common';
import { Cron, UseLocker } from '@nestcfork/schedule';
import { TaskLocker } from './TaskLocker';

export class TasksService {
  private readonly logger = new Logger(TasksService.name);

  @Cron('45 * * * * *')
  handleCron() {
    this.logger.debug('Called when the current second is 45');


class ScheduleModule

static forRoot(): DynamicModule

Import schedule module.

class Schedule

createTimeoutJob(methodRef: Function, timeout: number, options?: TimeoutOptions)

Dynamic create a timeout job.

field type required description
methodRef Function true job method
timeout number true milliseconds
options false see decorators

createIntervalJob(methodRef: Function, timeout: number, options?: IntervalOptions)

Dynamic create a interval job.

field type required description
methodRef Function true job method
timeout number true milliseconds
options false see decorators

createCronJob(rule: string | number | Date | CronObject | CronObjLiteral, methodRef, options?: CronOptions)

Dynamic create a cron job.

field type required description
rule Date string number CronObject CronObjLiteral true the cron rule
methodRef Function true job method
options false see decorators

deleteTimeoutJob(name: string)

Delete a timeout job

deleteIntervalJob(name: string)

Delete a interval job

deleteCronJob(name: string)

Delete a cron job

getTimeoutJobs(): TimeoutJobOptions[]

Get all timeout jobs

getIntervalJobs(): IntervalJobOptions[]

Get all interval jobs

getCronJobs(): CronJobOptions[]

Get all cron jobs


Cron(rule: string | number | Date | CronObject | CronObjLiteral, options?: CronOptions): MethodDecorator

Schedule a cron job.

field type required description
rule Date string number CronObject CronObjLiteral true The cron rule
rule.dayOfWeek number true Timezone
options.name string false The unique job key
options.retries number false the max retry count, default is -1 not retry
options.retry number false the retry interval, default is 5000

CronObject CronObjLiteral]

Interval(timeout: number): MethodDecorator

Interval(name: string, timeout: number): MethodDecorator

Interval(name: string, timeout: number, options?: IntervalOptions): MethodDecorator

Schedule a interval job.

field type required description
timeout number true milliseconds
options.retries number false the max retry count, default is -1 not retry
options.retry number false the retry interval, default is 5000
options.immediate boolean false executing job immediately

Timeout(timeout: number): MethodDecorator

Timeout(name: string, timeout: number): MethodDecorator

Timeout(name: string, timeout: number, options?: TimeoutOptions): MethodDecorator

Schedule a timeout job.

field type required description
timeout number true milliseconds
options.retries number false the max retry count, default is -1 not retry
options.retry number false the retry interval, default is 5000
options.immediate boolean false executing job immediately

InjectSchedule(): PropertyDecorator

Inject Schedule instance

UseLocker(locker: Locker | Function): MethodDecorator

Set a distributed locker for job.

Stay in touch


NestCloud is MIT licensed.




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