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1.1.11 • Public • Published

makeForm - it makes a form, in React.

Main purposes:

  • Keep track of form state
  • Expose getter/setter methods to the form state
  • Allow developers to declaratively specify form behavior
  • Validate form fields
  • Mask user input

The FormFields object

The behavior of your form is determined by a defining a FormFields object. Each key is the name of a field in your form, each value is an object describing that field. For example, if we wanted a field named "age" with a default value of 20, our FormFields object would be created like so:

const ageFormFields ={
	age: {value: 20}

Options that can be passed in to makeForm include:

  • value - String or number. Initial value for the field. Defaults to empty string.
  • validator - Function. Receives input value and returns an error message. Returns empty string by default.
  • accept - Function. Receives input value and returns boolean. Return true to allow input. Returns true by default.
  • reject - Function. Opposite of accept, return true to block input.
  • maskInput - String. Formats user output. "(xxx) xxx-xxxx" turns "1234567890" into "(123) 456-7890".

The makeForm function

Pass your handwritten form component into the makeForm function, along with a FormFields object created by setupFields, and it will return your component decorated with the following functions as props:

  • setSubmit - Takes in your submit handler to be called after form validations pass. You should call it in componentWillMount to register your submit handler:
componentWillMount() {
  • handleSubmit - If all fields are valid, this will call the handler you (hopefully) set when the component mounted.
  • resetForm - Resets the form to its initial state.
  • prefillForm - Takes in an object where the keys are field names and the values are field values, and prefills the form with those values. A form can only be prefilled once until it is reset.
  • setFields - Manually update the fields inside of the form state.
  • setFieldValue - Takes in a field name and new value.

The formContext object

The formContext object is provided as a prop to your form component, it contains methods which access the state of the form. These methods include:

  • getFields - The fields of the form state, which contain current values, error messages, etc.
  • getShowErrors - Is true after a submission is attempted, false after reset.
  • getHandleChange - Takes in field name, returns its change handler.
  • getValue - Takes in field name.
  • get Error - Take in field name.

By passing in a "name" prop and the form context, you can write a stateless input component that is connected to the form state:

const TextInput = ({name, formContext}) => {
	const { getHandleChange, getValue, getShowErrors, getError } = formContext;
	const handleChange = getHandleChange(name);
    const showErrors = getShowErrors();
    const value = getValue(name);
    const error = getError(name);
	return (
		    <input name={name} value={value} type={text}/>
            {showErrors && error &&




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  • craig-corcoran
  • jonathonmorgan
  • christiancarey
  • kbye