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5.1.0 • Public • Published

NexusUI Components

These are custom components specially-developed for NexusUI applications. They will make your life easier by giving you out-of-the-box implementations for various high-level UI elements that you can drop directly into your application.

The NexusUI components are split into two groups: 1) the core components requiring a minimum of peerDependencies and 2) the extended components which are more specialized and require the installation of additional peerDependencies to function (see readme for specific extended components for details).


Add the components package as a dependency to your project:

# With yarn
yarn add @nexusui/components

# With npm
npm install --save @nexusui/components

You will also need to install the required peer dependencies (additional peerDependencies will be required if you are using any of the extended components):

# With yarn
yarn add @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material

# With npm
npm install --save @mui/material @emotion/react @emotion/styled @mui/icons-material


In your typescript file, import the component(s) you want to use:

Core components can be installed from the root of the package or from their full path:

// Replace ComponentName with the specific core component you want to use
import { ComponentName } from '@nexusui/components';
import { ComponentName } from '@nexusui/components/core/ComponentName';

Extended components must be installed from their full path in the extended subfolder:

// Replace ExtendedComponentName with the specific extended component you want to use
import { ExtendedComponentName } from '@nexusui/components/extended/ComponentName';

Migration Guide

4.x.x => 5.0.0

1) Refactored ShareDialog component

The ShareDialog component has been refactored to facilitate managing share permissions, especially for the organization-level share permissions. It also has been enhanced to auto-fill the invitees' email addresses.

  • The following prop and type have been removed: teamShareConfig, ITeamShareConfig.
  • Renamed type: IGroupShareConfig => IOrgShareConfig.
  • Added prop availableUsers, loading and onSearch to type IInviteConfig for supporting the email autocompletion.
// before
    initialPermissionLevel: 'readWrite',
    canEditInvitePermission: true,
    canInvite: editable,
    onInvite: handleInvite,
// after
    availableUsers: orgUsers,
    loading: isLoading,
    initialPermissionLevel: 'readWrite',
    canEditInvitePermission: true,
    canInvite: editable,
    onInvite: handleInvite,

2) Component split

In order to reduce the amount of peerDependencies required to use NexusUI components, we have split our components package into two groups: core and extended. The core components only require the minimum number of peerDependencies. You will only need to install additional dependencies if you are using one of the extended components that rely on them.

Because of the split, import paths have changes slightly.

For core components using full path imports:

// before
import { ComponentName } from '@nexusui/components/ComponentName';
// after 
import { ComponentName } from '@nexusui/components/core/ComponentName';

For extended components (root imports):

// before
import { AssemblyTree } from '@nexusui/components'; // or
import { AssemblyTree } from '@nexusui/components/AssemblyTree';

// after 
import { AssemblyTree } from '@nexusui/components/extended/AssemblyTree';

// before
import { FileManagement } from '@nexusui/components'; // or
import { FileManagement } from '@nexusui/components/FileManagement';

// after 
import { FileManagement } from '@nexusui/components/extended/FileManagement';

3) Reduced Peer Dependencies

The core components no longer have a peerDependency on MUI X packages, the MUI Lab, or the NexusUI theme package. Unless you are using the AssemblyTree or FileManagement components, you only need the set of core peerDependencies mentioned in the installation section of the Readme.

4) PeerDependencies updated

  • peerDependency on @mui/material has been updated to v6. Follow the Material-ui Migration from MUI to update your code as need.
  • peerDependency on @mui/icons-material has been updated to v6.
  • peerDependency on @mui/x-data-grid has been updated to v7. Follow the Data Grid Migration from MUI to update your code if you are using any DataGrid components.
  • peerDependency on @mui/x-tree-view has been updated to v7. Follow the Tree View Migration from MUI to update your code if you are using any TreeView components.

5) AssemblyTree updated

  • The nodeId field in data -> sectionData has been renamed to itemId.
  • The following props has been renamed to new props. Read the Tree View Migration for more details.
Old name New name
onNodeSelect onSelectedItemsChange
selected selectedItems
defaultSelected defaultSelectedItems
onNodeToggle onExpandedItemsChange
expanded expandedItems
defaultExpanded defaultExpandedItems
onNodeFocus onItemFocus
// before
        sectionLabel: 'SECTION #1',
        sectionData: [
            label: 'Item 1',
            nodeId: `A1`,
            label: 'Item 2',
            nodeId: `A3`,
            children: [{ label: 'Item 2-1', nodeId: `A4` }],
  onNodeSelect={() => {}}
  selected={['a', 'b']}
  onNodeToggle={() => {}}
  expanded={['a, b']}
  onNodeFocus={() => {}}

// after
        sectionLabel: 'SECTION #1',
        sectionData: [
            label: 'Item 1',
            itemId: `A1`,
            label: 'Item 2',
            itemId: `A3`,
            children: [{ label: 'Item 2-1', itemId: `A4` }],
  onSelectedItemsChange={() => {}}
  selectedItems={['a', 'b']}
  onExpandedItemsChange={() => {}}
  expandedItems={['a, b']}
  onItemFocus={() => {}}

5) AccountDropdown updated

  • The LegalMenu component is built into AccountDropdown and is controlled by the legalItems props now.
  • The menu item icons are changed to use grey outline icons.
// before
      'data-testid': 'NexusAccountDropdown-appSettings',
      name: 'Settings',
      icon: <Settings color={'primary'} />,
      onClick: () => {},
    <LegalMenu key="legacyMenu" items={legalItems} onMenuItemClick={() => {}} />,

// after
      'data-testid': 'NexusAccountDropdown-appSettings',
      name: 'Settings',
      icon: <SettingsOutlined 
        sx={(th) => (
            color: 'grey.600', 
            ...th.applyStyles("dark", { color: 'grey.400' } )
      onClick: () => {},

6) StatusBadge updated

  • The primary color variant has been removed, use the info color instead.
// before
<StatusBadge label={'Text'} color="primary" />

// after
<StatusBadge label={'Text'} color="info" />

3.X.X => 4.0.0

1) PeerDependencies updated

  • @mui/lab peerDependency has been removed and replaced by @mui/x-tree-view following the TreeView component promotion out of the lab.
  • peerDependency on @nexusui/theme has been updated to version 4.0.0 or higher.

2) Refactored AccountDropdown component

The AccountDropdown component has been refactored to be easier to use through composition, rather than providing excessive configuration props.

Simplified items prop

All of the items you want to appear in the menu are now passed through a single items prop (items will be presented in the same order they appear in the provided array):

// before

// after
<AccountDropdown items={[]} />

The items prop also supports JSX Element contents. This can be used to show things like a OrganizationSelector or LegalMenu submenus. You can also provide a Divider to group menu items into sections.

Separate components for OrganizationSelector and LegalMenu

The OrganizationSelector and LegalMenu submenus are now provided as separate components that can be included via composition.

// before

// after
    <OrganizationSelector {...props} />,
    <LegalMenu {...props} />

Other miscellaneous changes

  • onMenuClick renamed to onMenuItemClick
  • menu header can be made clickable now via onUserClick prop
  • removed support for inline actions on Organization Items

Consider using the ConnectedAccountDropdown component to automatically configure the recommended menu items for you. Refer to the documentation for more usage details and examples. Version 4.0.0 includes several breaking changes. If you plan to upgrade to 4.0.0, please follow the upgrade guide below carefully.

3) Drawer expansion behavior changed

In version 4, some behaviors of the Drawer component have changed slightly:

  • new expanded prop to allow for controlled management of the expanded/collapsed nodes
  • new onNavItemExpanded callback prop that is called whenever a node is expanded / collapsed
  • onNavItemClick (specified at the Drawer-level) is now called whenever ANY drawer item is clicked (previously, elements that had children did not trigger this event)
  • Drawer items that have children AND a click event now have two separate click areas: clicking the expand icon will expand/collapse the item, clicking the item body will trigger the click handler
// controlled use of the Drawer expanded items

const [expanded, setExpanded] = useState<string[]>([]);

return (
      (expandedNodes) => {

4) Renamed AddCard to EmptyCard

The AddCard has been renamed to EmptyCard, including in type definitions. The API for this component is unchanged.

// before
import { AddCard } from '@nexusui/components';
const props: IAddCard = {};
<AddCard {...props} />

// after
import { EmptyCard } from '@nexusui/components';
const props: IEmptyCard = {};
<EmptyCard {...props} />

5) Renamed GridCard to ComplexCard

The GridCard has been renamed to ComplexCard, including in type definitions and internal class names.

// before
import { GridCard } from '@nexusui/components';
const props: IGridCard = {};
<GridCard {...props} sx={{'& .NexusGridCard-menuButton': {}}}/>

// after
import { ComplexCard } from '@nexusui/components';
const props: IComplexCard = {};
<ComplexCard {...props} sx={{'& .NexusComplexCard-menuButton': {}}}/>

6) Removed CommonCard component

To simplify usage and better align with components in Figma, the CommonCard component has been removed and replaced with three new components: PlainCard, ImageCard, and LinkCard.

// Before
<CommonCard cardType={'academy'} image={image} actionProps={actionProps} status={status} {...otherProps} />
// After
<ImageCard dense image={image || ''} actionButtons={[actionProps]} statusBadges={status} {...otherProps} />
// Before
<CommonCard cardType={'collection'} image={image} {...otherProps} />
// After
<ImageCard dense image={image || ''} {...otherProps} />
// Before
<CommonCard cardType={'news'} actionProps={actionProps} headline={headline} content={content} {...otherProps} />
// After
<LinkCard dense actionButtons={[actionProps]} label={headline} title={content} {...otherProps} />
// Before
<CommonCard cardType={'support'} actionProps={actionProps} {...otherProps} />
// After
<PlainCard dense actionButtons={actionProps ? [actionProps] : undefined} {...otherProps} />
// Before
<CommonCard cardType={'teaser'} actionProps={actionProps} {...otherProps} />
// After
<PlainCard actionButtons={[actionProps]} {...otherProps} />

7) CarouselCard type changes

The default card rendered in the CarouselCard has been updated to align with the new ImageCard component type. When using the items prop, the title key has changed to headline and the description key has changed to content:

// before
import { CarouselCard } from '@nexusui/components';
<CarouselCard {...props} 
    <CustomCardComponent />

// after
import { CarouselCard } from '@nexusui/components';
<CarouselCard {...props} 
    {...oldItem1Props, headline: oldItem1Props.title, content: oldItem1Props.description},
    {...oldItem2Props, headline: oldItem2Props.title, content: oldItem2Props.description},
    <CustomCardComponent />

The CarouselCard will support the use of the new Nexus UI Card components as well.

import { CarouselCard, PlainCard, ImageCard } from '@nexusui/components';

    <PlainCard {...plainCardProps}/>,
    <ImageCard {...imageCardProps} />,

8) Removed OrgManagement, UserManagement, UserPreferences and UserDetails components

The OrgManagement, UserManagement, UserPreferences and UserDetails components have been removed. With the introduction of Account Management, there is no longer a need to implement account management within your own projects. You can facilitate navigation to Account Management directly from the account dropdown menu.

2.X.X => 3.0.0

Version 3.0.0 includes several breaking changes. If you plan to upgrade to 3.0.0, please follow the upgrade guide below carefully.

1) PeerDependencies updated

A few peer dependency versions have been updated so we can take advantage of new features in these libraries. You'll need to update your dependencies to the following minimum versions:

  • @nexusui/theme version 3.0.0 or higher.
  • @mui/x-data-grid version 6.5.0 or higher (this affects projects using UserManagement and OrgManagement components).
    • upgrading from version 5 requires additional code changes in your application. Follow the Data Grid Migration from MUI to update your code if you are using any DataGrid components.

2) Renamed Components / Type Changes

- FormInputText renamed to FormInput

// before
import { FormInputText, FormInputTextProps } from '@nexusui/components';

// after
import { FormInput, FormInputProps } from '@nexusui/components';

Additionally, the FormInputProps now inherit from TextFieldProps, resulting in the following type changes:

  • label field was required before and is now optional
  • name field was not present before and is now required
  • controllerProps field was required before and is now optional
// before
<FormInputText label={'label'} controllerProps={{ name: 'test' }}/>

// after
<FormInput name="test" label={'label'} />

-FormInputRadio renamed to FormRadio

// before
import { FormInputRadio, FormInputRadioProps } from '@nexusui/components';

// after
import { FormRadio, FormRadioProps } from '@nexusui/components';

-FormInputToggle renamed to FormToggle

// before
import { FormInputToggle, FormInputToggleProps } from '@nexusui/components';

// after
import { FormToggle, FormToggleProps } from '@nexusui/components';

Additionally, the following type changes apply to the FormToggleProps prop:

  • name field was not present before and is now required
  • controllerProps field was required before and is now optional
// before
<FormInputToggle controllerProps={{ name: 'test' }}/>

// after
<FormToggle name="test" />

3) GridCard selected state now user-controlled

This selected state of this component has changed from internally managed to user-controlled. We have added a prop selected to control its selected state.

// before, the selection state is controlled inside this component, users don't and cannot control its selection state.
 <GridCard {...otherProps}>{...children}</GridCard>

// after, users must control its selection state by the new 'selected' prop, and this prop is required.
 <GridCard  selected {...otherProps}>{...children}</GridCard>

4) UnitFormatter is now controlled

This component has been updated to be a controlled component to allow for greater control over behavior and integration with 3rd-party form libraries. If you want to continue to have the component manage state internally, we have created a new SimpleUnitFormatter with the legacy behavior.

// before
<UnitFormatter {...props} />

// after
<SimpleUnitFormatter {...props} />

5) CodeSnippet now requires stylesheet inclusion

In order to facilitate using this component in NextJs applications, we removed the automatic import of PrismJS css files. If you are using the CodeSnipper component, you must now manually import these stylesheets in your root TS/JS file.

// before
 <CodeSnippet previewCode={preview} code={code} />

// after
import 'prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css';
 <CodeSnippet previewCode={preview} code={code} />

// after with show line numbers
import 'prismjs/themes/prism-okaidia.css';
import 'prismjs/plugins/line-numbers/prism-line-numbers.css';
<CodeSnippet previewCode={preview} code={code} showLineNumbers/>

6) CommentDrawer sorting/filtering and type definitions changed

comments prop type updated to support replies

You can now show replies to comments in the drawer using the replies field in comments prop.

const comments = [{
        replies: [
            id: '3',
            author: { id: '3', firstName: 'Arthur', lastName: 'Lutz', email: '', avatar: '' },
            actions: [{id: 'edit',label: 'Edit',onClick: () => {}},
                      {id: 'delete',label: 'Delete',onClick: () => {}}],
            dateModified: new Date(Date.now() - 3000),
            message: 'Pellentesque ac risus non tortor convallis gravida in eget est. Aenean sed augue ullamcorper, mollis risus eu, venenatis lorem. Fusce pharetra dui ac massa commodo dapibus.',

filter and sort responsibility shifted to user

In version 2, this component managed sorting and filtering internally. For greater flexibility in your application, these behaviors must now be controlled by the application code. To support this, we have introduced new props for onFilterChanged and onSortChanged. You can control which comment is active/selected using the new selectedCommentId prop. Refer to the component readme for full API details and usage examples.

7) FileItem status prop replaces loading

The loading prop has been deprecated, and will no longer have any effect. You should instead use the new status prop to control the file status.

// before
 <FileItem loading={false} {..otherProps} />

// after 
// `Uploading` status
import { UploadStatus } from '@nexusui/components';
 <FileItem status={UploadStatus.Uploading} progress={10} {..otherProps} />
// `Succeeded` status
 <FileItem {..otherProps} />
// `Failed` status
 <FileItem status={UploadStatus.Failed} errorMessage={'Upload failed'} onRetry={() => {}} {..otherProps} />

8) ImageCarousel rewritten with react-slick

react-swipeable-views is no longer being actively maintained, so we have rewritten the ImageCarousel component to use react-slick instead.

To update to using the new component, you must make the following changes:

  1. Import the react-slick css styles in your root TS/JS file as follows:
import 'slick-carousel/slick/slick.css';
import 'slick-carousel/slick/slick-theme.css';

// ...rest of your code
  1. Replace autoplay HOC from react-swipeable-views with new props autoplay and autoplaySpeed
// before
import { ImageCarousel, autoPlay, SwipeableViews } from '@nexusui/components';
export const ImageCarousel = () => {
  return (<ImageCarousel images={[/*images*/]} SwipeableViews={autoPlay(SwipeableViews)} swipeableViewsProps={{ enableMouseEvents: true, interval: 3000 }}/>);

// after
import { ImageCarousel } from '@nexusui/components';
export const ImageCarousel = () => {
  return (<ImageCarousel images={[/*images*/]} autoplay={true} autoplaySpeed={3000} />);
  1. Some higher-order component (HOC) functionality from react-swipeable-views is not supported in the new implementation. If you are using the following HOCs, you will need to remove them:

    • bindKeyboard
    • virtualize
  2. Some prop names in swipeableViewsProps have changed:

    • enableMouseEvents => swipe
    • axis => vertical
    • onChangeIndex => afterChange
    • slideRenderer => children
// before
  <ImageCarousel images={[ /*Images*/]}
      enableMouseEvents: true,
      axis: "x",
      onChangeIndex: (index: number) => {
        console.log("onChangeIndex: ", index);
      slideRenderer: (params: any) => {
        return (<Box><img src={params.src} alt={params.alt} /></Box>);

// after
    images={[ /*Images*/ ]}
      swipe: true,
      vertical: false,
      afterChange: (index: number) => {
        console.log("afterChange: ", index);
      // ...other props
      [/*Images*/].map((image, index) => {
        return (<img src={image.src} alt={image.alt} key={index} />)

1.X.X => 2.0.0

Version 2.0.0 includes several breaking changes. If you plan to upgrade to 2.0.0, please read the upgrade guide below carefully.

1) HexProjectCard removed

If you are currently using this component in your project, you can take the source code from the older version of the library and include it as a local component in your application.

2) UserPreference component removed onResetPassword prop

This prop was deprecated in the latest 1.x version and has now been removed entirely.

3) HexSearchComponent renamed to SearchBar

// before
import { HexSearchComponent } from '@nexusui/components';

// after
import { SearchBar } from '@nexusui/components';

The withDebounce prop has also been renamed to debounce and now additionally accepts numeric values to customize the debounce delay.

// before
<HexSearchComponent withDebounce={true} {...others}/>
// after
<SearchBar debounce={500} {...others}/> // 500ms is the default

4) User data types updated

Several components in this library rely on a User object. There were some inconsistencies between components and how they defined these types. Version 2 updates these components to have a shared type definition for basic user information.

export type IBasicUser = {
  id: string;
  email: string;
  firstName: string;
  lastName: string;
  avatar: string;

The following components are affected by this change: AccountDropdown, AudienceGroup, CommentCard, CommentDrawer, CommentThread, UserManagement, UserDetail, and UserPreference.


In the userInfo props:

  • name has been split into firstName and lastName
  • avatarSrc is renamed to avatar
  • email was not present before and is now required


// before
const userInfo: IUserInfo = { name: `Jon Snow`, avatarSrc: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png' };
<AccountDropdown userInfo={userInfo} {...others}/>

// after
const userInfo: IUserInfo = { id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', avatar: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com' };
<AccountDropdown userInfo={userInfo} {...others}/>


In the users prop:

  • userId is renamed to id.
  • avatar and email were previously optional and are now required


// before
const users: IUserInfo[] = [{userId: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow'}];
<AudienceGroup users={users} {...others}/>

// after
const users: IUserInfo[] = [{id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', avatar: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com'}];
<AudienceGroup users={users} {...others}/>


In the author props:

  • email field was not present before and is now required
  • avatar field was previously optional and is now required


// before
const author: ICommentAuthor = {id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow'};
<CommentCard author={author} {...others}/>

// after
const author: ICommentAuthor = {id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', avatar: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com'};
<CommentCard author={author} {...others}/>


In the comments -> author & participants props:

  • email field was not present before and is now required
  • avatar field was previously optional and is now required


// before
const author: ICommentAuthor = {id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow'};
const participants: ICommentAuthor[] = [author];
const comments: IComment[] = [{author, participants, ...{others}}]
<CommentDrawer comments={comments} {...others}/>

// after
const author: ICommentAuthor = {id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', avatar: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com'}
const participants: ICommentAuthor[] = [author];
const comments: IComment[] = [{author, participants, ...{others}}]
<CommentDrawer comments={comments} {...others}/>


In the currentUser prop:

  • email field was not present before and is now required
  • avatar field was previously optional and is now required

In the comment -> author & participants props:

  • email field was not present before and is now required
  • avatar field was previously optional and is now required

In the replies -> author prop:

  • email field was not present before and is now required
  • avatar field was previously optional and is now required


// before
const user: ICommentAuthor = {id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow'};
const participants: ICommentAuthor[] = [user];
const comment: IComment = {author: user, participants, ...{others}}
<CommentThread currentUser={currentUser} comment={comment} replies={[{author: user}]} {...others}/>

// after
const user: ICommentAuthor = {id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', avatar: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com'}
const participants: ICommentAuthor[] = [user];
const comment: IComment = {author: user, participants, ...{others}}
<CommentThread currentUser={currentUser} comment={comment} replies={[{author: user}]} {...others}/>


In the users prop:

  • avatarSrc field renamed to avatar and is now required instead of optional


// before
const users: UserItem[] = [{id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com', avatarSrc: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', role: '', status: ''}]
<UserManagement users={users} {...others}/>

// after
const users: UserItem[] = [{id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com', avatar: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', role: '', status: ''}]
<UserManagement users={users} {...others}/>


In the userInfo prop:

  • avatarSrc field renamed to avatar and is now required instead of optional


// before
const userInfo: UserItem = {id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com', avatarSrc: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', role: '', status: ''}
<UserDetail userInfo={userInfo} {...others}/>

// after
const userInfo: UserItem = {id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com', avatar: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', role: '', status: ''}
<UserDetail userInfo={userInfo} {...others}/>


In the userInfo -> contact prop:

  • id field was not present before and is now required
  • redundant name field has been removed (use firstName and lastName)


// before
const contact: ContactInfo = {firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', name: 'Jon Snow', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com', avatar: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', role: '', mobile: ''}
const userInfo = {contact, ...others}
<UserPreference userInfo={userInfo} {...others}/>

// after
const contact: ContactInfo = {id: '1', firstName: 'Jon', lastName: 'Snow', email: 'jon.snow@hexagon.com', avatar: 'https://i2.wp.com/cdn.auth0.com/avatars/js.png', role: '', mobile: ''}
const userInfo = {contact, ...others}
<UserPreference userInfo={userInfo} {...others}/>

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