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0.0.1 • Public • Published

MtxCheckbox Component Overview

The CheckboxComponent provides a customizable checkbox implementation built on Angular and Angular Material 18. This component allows developers to integrate checkbox inputs into their applications with flexibility and ease.


Feature Description
Label Display a descriptive label next to the checkbox.
Checked State Control the initial checked state of the checkbox.
Disabled State Disable the checkbox to prevent user interaction.
Indeterminate State Set the checkbox to an indeterminate state, useful for hierarchical selections.
Icon Support Optionally display an icon next to the checkbox label.
Color Customization Customize the checkbox color to match the application's theme.
Animation Styles Apply animation effects to enhance user interaction.
Custom Styles Flexibility to apply custom CSS classes for styling.
Accessibility Built-in accessibility features, including ARIA attributes and keyboard navigation support.


The CheckboxComponent can be easily integrated into Angular applications. Here's a basic example of usage:



Input Type Description
config MtxCheckboxConfig Configuration object for the checkbox component.
label string Label text displayed next to the checkbox.
checked boolean Initial checked state of the checkbox.
disabled boolean Disables the checkbox if true.
indeterminate boolean Sets the checkbox to indeterminate state.
icon string Icon name displayed next to the checkbox label.
color string Color palette for the checkbox.
animation string Animation style for checkbox interaction.
styleType string Custom style type for checkbox appearance.
customClasses string | string[] Optional custom CSS classes for styling.
ariaLabel string Optional ARIA label for accessibility.
tabIndex number Optional tab order for keyboard navigation.
value any Optional value associated with the checkbox.


Output Type Description
change EventEmitter<MatCheckboxChange> Emits when the checkbox state changes.


Checkbox Component Examples

Explore various usage scenarios and examples of the CheckboxComponent in action.

Basic Example

  [config]="{ label: 'Basic Checkbox' }" 

Indeterminate Example

  [config]="{ label: 'Indeterminate Checkbox', indeterminate: true }" 

Disabled Example

  [config]="{ label: 'Disabled Checkbox', disabled: true }">

Example with Icon and Color

  [config]="{ label: 'Checkbox with Icon', icon: 'check', color: 'accent' }" 

Example with Animation and Style

  [config]="{ label: 'Animated Checkbox', animation: 'bounce', styleType: 'rounded' }" 

API Reference

MtxCheckbox Component API

The CheckboxComponent API documentation outlines the inputs, outputs, and methods available for configuring and interacting with the checkbox component.



  • Type: MtxCheckboxConfig

  • Description: Configuration object for the checkbox component.

    Property Type Default Value Description
    label string '' Label text displayed next to the checkbox.
    checked boolean false Initial checked state of the checkbox.
    disabled boolean false Disables the checkbox if true.
    indeterminate boolean false Sets the checkbox to indeterminate state.
    icon string '' Icon name displayed next to the checkbox label.
    color string 'primary' Color palette for the checkbox.
    animation string '' Animation style for checkbox interaction.
    styleType string '' Custom style type for checkbox appearance.
    customClasses string | string[] '' Optional custom CSS classes for styling.
    ariaLabel string '' Optional ARIA label for accessibility.
    tabIndex number 0 Optional tab order for keyboard navigation.
    value any null Optional value associated with the checkbox.


  • Type: string \| string[]
  • Description: Optional custom CSS classes to apply to the checkbox component for styling purposes.



  • Type: EventEmitter<MatCheckboxChange>

  • Description: Event emitted when the checkbox state changes.

    • Properties
      • checked: boolean - New checked state of the checkbox.


The CheckboxComponent does not expose any public methods.

This api.md document provides a comprehensive overview of the inputs, outputs, and methods (if any) available for your CheckboxComponent. Adjust the content and structure as per your specific component implementation and project requirements.




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  • amall19
  • ankitparekh