
0.0.1 • Public • Published

This wrapper facilitates the use of the google drive api.

It doesn't provide any authorization mechanism, so another package has to be used. I use @react-native-google-signin/google-signin (thanks for the great work, vonovak!).

  1. Installation
  2. Usage
  3. Version history
npm i --save @robinbobin/react-native-google-drive-api-wrapper

If something doesn't work as expected, please do have a look at an example project before opening an issue.

Quick example:

// = List files, create a binary file and read it = //

import { GoogleSignin } from "@react-native-google-signin/google-signin";
import {
} from "@robinbobin/react-native-google-drive-api-wrapper";

// = Somewhere in your code = //
await GoogleSignin.signIn();

const gdrive = new GDrive();
gdrive.accessToken = (await GoogleSignin.getTokens()).accessToken;

console.log(await gdrive.files.list());

const id = (await gdrive.files.newMultipartUploader()
  .setData([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], MimeTypes.BINARY)
    name: "multipart_bin"

console.log(await gdrive.files.getBinary(id));

  1. About
  2. Files
  3. GDrive
  4. GDriveApi
  5. HttpError
  6. ListQueryBuilder
  7. MimeTypes
  8. Permissions
  9. ResumableUploader
  10. UnexpectedFileCountError
  11. Uploader

Extending GDriveApi, this class gives access to various information.

Name Description
get(queryParametersOrFields) Gets various information, returning an About resource if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true. queryParametersOrFields can be an object containing the query parameters or a string, containing a fields value.


Uint8Array | number[] | string

Extending GDriveApi, this class is used to manage files in a google drive. The parameter range for the methods that accept it is specified as here with one exception: <unit> is always bytes and mustn't be set. E.g.:

await gdrive.files.getBinary(fileId, null, "1-1");

will return the byte at index one.

Name Type Description
copy(fileId, queryParameters, requestBody = {}) Method Creates a copy of a file. Returns a Files resource if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
createIfNotExists(queryParameters, uploader) Method Invokes uploader.execute() and returns its result, if the file described with queryParameters doesn't exist. Returns the result of list(queryParameters) otherwise. Throws UnexpectedFileCountError if there are 2 or more files matching queryParameters.
delete(fileId) Method Deletes a file. Returns an empty string if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
emptyTrash() Method Permanently deletes all of the user's trashed files. Returns an empty string if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
export(fileId, queryParameters) Method Exports a Google Doc to the requested MIME type. Returns a Files resource if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
generateIds(queryParameters) Method Generates file IDs. This info might seem interesting. Returns an Object if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
get(fileId, queryParameters, range) Method Gets a file's metadata or content by ID. Returns the result of fetch() if the call succeeds, fetchCoercesTypes is ignored.
getBinary(fileId, queryParameters, range) Method Gets the content of a binary file. Returns Uint8Array if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
getContent(fileId, queryParameters, range) Method Gets the content of any file. Returns the result of fetch() if the call succeeds, fetchCoercesTypes is ignored.
getJson(fileId, queryParameters) Method Gets the content of a json text file. Returns an Object if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
getMetadata(fileId, queryParameters = {}) Method Gets a file's metadata. Returns a Files resource if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
getText(fileId, queryParameters, range) Method Gets the content of a text file. Returns a string if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
list(queryParameters) Method Lists files. Returns an Object if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.

queryParameters.q can be a ListQueryBuilder instance.
multipartBoundary String (read/write property) The boundary string to be used for multipart uploads. The default value is "foo_bar_baz".
newMediaUploader() Method Creates an instance of MediaUploader, an Uploader descending class handling media uploads.
newMetadataOnlyUploader() Method Creates an instance of MetadataOnlyUploader, an Uploader descending class handling metadata-only uploads.
newMultipartUploader() Method Creates an instance of MultipartUploader, an Uploader descending class handling multipart uploads.
newResumableUploader() Method Creates an instance of ResumableUploader.

A GDrive instance stores your google sign-in token and the instances of the GDriveApi descendants.

Name Type Description
about About instance (read/write property) The instance to get various information.
accessToken access token (read/write property) The access token to be used in subsequent calls to the api. Get the token from a package you choose to use.
files Files instance (read/write property) The instance to manage files in a google drive.
fetchCoercesTypes (read/write property) Manages fetchCoercesTypes of all the GDriveApi instances stored in this class instance.
fetchRejectsOnHttpErrors (read/write property) Manages fetchRejectsOnHttpErrors of all the GDriveApi instances stored in this class instance.
fetchTimeout (read/write property) Manages fetchTimeout of all the GDriveApi instances stored in this class instance.
permissions Permissions instance The instance to manage file permissions.

The base class for the classes that wrap individual parts of the google drive api.

Name Type Description
fetchCoercesTypes Boolean (read/write property) If true, the data returned from a successful api call is converted to the json, text or byte (Uint8Array) type. If false, no conversion is performed and the result of fetch() is returned as is. The type, the data is coerced to, is specified in the documentation of each method, that utilizes this property. The default value is true.
fetchRejectsOnHttpErrors Boolean (read/write property) If true, unsuccessful api calls throw an instance of HttpError. If false, the result of fetch() is returned as is. The default value is true.
fetchTimeout Number (read/write property) Timeout in ms for fetch() invocations. The default value is 1500. If the value is negative, fetch() will wait infinitely.

An instance of this class is thrown when an api call fails, if fetchRejectsOnHttpErrors is true for that api. All the properties are read-only.

Name Type Description
json Object An object containing the error. Can be undefined.
response Object The result of fetch().
text String The error description obtained from the response.


This interface is used as the return type of ResumableUploader.requestUploadStatus().

Name Type
isComplete Boolean
transferredByteCount Number


Extending IRequestUploadStatusResult, describes the result of uploading a chunk of data. Its only field, json, is optional and will be missing when isComplete is false.

Name Type
json any

A helper for building list() queries.


// = List files contained in the root folder and named "Untitled" = //
const folderIdNotItsName = "root";

await gdrive.files.list({
  q: new ListQueryBuilder()
    .e("name", "Untitled")
    .in(folderIdNotItsName, "parents")
Name Description
and() ands two subqueries.
contains(key, value, quoteValueIfString = true) key contains value
e(key, value, quoteValueIfString = true) key = value
g(key, value, quoteValueIfString = true) key > value
in(value, key, quoteValueIfString = true) value in key
l(key, value, quoteValueIfString = true) key < value
operator(left, operator, right, quoteLeftIfString, quoteRightIfString) A generic method to build all the other key/value relations.
or() ors two subqueries.
pop() Adds ).
push() Adds (.
toString() Stringifies the query (called internally by list()).

Commonly used MIME types.

Name Type
BINARY application/octet-stream
CSV text/csv
FOLDER application/vnd.google-apps.folder
JSON application/json
JSON_UTF8 application/json; charset=UTF-8
PDF application/pdf
TEXT text/plain

This class handles file permissions.

Name Description
create(fileId, queryParameters, requestBody) Creates a permission, returning a Permissions resource if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
delete(fileId, permissionId, queryParameters) Deletes a permission, returning an empty string if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.

An Uploader descendant, this class handles resumable uploads.

Name Type Description
requestUploadStatus() Method Returns the current upload status, wrapped in a Promise.
setContentLength(contentLength: number) Method Optional. Sets the content length. Can't be invoked after sending the initial upload request.
setDataType(dataType: string) Method Sets the data type when using multiple requests.
setShouldUseMultipleRequests(shouldUseMultipleRequests: boolean) Method Specifies whether multiple requests will be used to upload the data.
transferredByteCount Read property (Number) The current transferred byte count.
uploadChunk(chunk: DataType) Method Uploads a chunk of data, returning IUploadChunkResult, wrapped in a Promise.

An instance of this class is thrown when the real number of files differs from the expected. All the properties are read-only.

Name Type Description
expectedCount Array|Number The expected count.
realCount Number Real count.

Descendants of this class handle the create and update requests. All the methods except execute() can be chained.

Name Description
execute() Executes the request, returning an Object if the call succeeds and fetchCoercesTypes is true.
setData(data, dataType) Sets the data and its MIME type.
setIdOfFileToUpdate(fileId) If this method is invoked, the request becomes an update request. Otherwise it's a creation request.
setIsBase64(isBase64) If it's a multipart request and the data supplied is Base64, this method can be invoked to add the header Content-Transfer-Encoding: base64 which is recognized by Google Drive.
setQueryParameters(queryParameters) Sets the query parameters.
setRequestBody(requestBody) Sets the request body.
Version number Changes
v1.2.3 Resumable uploads added.
v1.2.0 1. The package is rewritten in TypeScript.
2. The following properties are added to GDrive:
v1.1.0 GDriveApi.fetchTimeout can be set to a negative value to make fetch() wait infinitely.
v1.0.1 My example repo for this package is referenced in the readme.
v1.0.0 1. GDriveApi.fetchTimeout added.
2. HttpError and UnexpectedFileCountError: prototype names are specified and error messages are made more concise.
v0.6.0 1. UnexpectedFileCountError.
2. Files.createIfNotExists() is added.
v0.5.0 ListQueryBuilder added.
v0.4.0 Permissions added.
v0.3.0 Initial documented release.

Written with StackEdit.

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npm i @ngovantien/react-native-google-drive-api-wrapper

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