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0.2.2 • Public • Published


Google Translation GraphQL API

npm npm license: MIT

This package creates a Google Translation GraphQL API.

query {
  # Detect the initial language automatically, and set the destination language to the user's default, or the server's default
  first: googleTranslation(text: "le service est disponible")
  # Specify the destination language
  second: googleTranslation(text: "le service est disponible", to: "es")
  # Specify both initial and destination languages
  third: googleTranslation(text: "le service est disponible", from: "fr", to: "it")


  "data": {
    "first": "service is available",
    "second": "el servicio está disponible",
    "third": "il servizio è disponibile"

You can also user the Google Translation GraphQL API with Hasura Remote Schema Relationships and connect data from your database and the Google Translation API. This allows you to request data from your database and the Google Translation API in a single GraphQL query:

query {
  books {
    title # a text column in the books table
    translatedTitle # title translated into the user's  default locale
    italianTitle: translatedTitle(to: "it") # title translated into italian


  "data": {
    "books": [
        "title": "Guerre et Paix",
        "translatedTitle": "War and peace",
        "italianTitle": "Guerra e Pace"
        "title": "Le Bruit et la Fureur",
        "translatedTitle": "The Sound and the Fury",
        "italianTitle": "Il suono e la furia"


npm install @nhost/google-translation

Quick Start

Serverless Function Setup

Create a new Serverless Function functions/graphql/google-translation.ts:

import { createGoogleTranslationGraphQLServer } from '@nhost/google-translation'

export default createGoogleTranslationGraphQLServer()

You can run the Google Translation GraphQL API in any JS environment because it's built using GraphQL Yoga.

Google Project ID and API Key

Add GOOGLE_TRANSLATION_PROJECT_ID as an environment variable. If you're using Nhost, add GOOGLE_TRANSLATION_API_KEY to .env.development like this:


Learn more about Google Projects and API keys.

Start Nhost

nhost up

Learn more about the Nhost CLI.


Test the Google Translation GraphQL API in the browser:


Remote Schema

Add the Google Translation GraphQL API as a Remote Schema in Hasura.




x-nhost-webhook-secret: NHOST_WEBHOOK_SECRET (from env var)

Remote Schema Relationships

You can use the GraphQL API to translate values from other columns.


Default language

It is possible to configure a default language by setting the getDefaultLanguage option, which is a function that gets the context as first argument, and returns either the language code, or null. The getDefaultLanguage option is preconfigured to get the user locale from the authenticated user, using the auth.users.locale value as per defined in Hasura Auth.

If the getDefaultLanguage option returns null, the default language falls back to the defaultLanguage string option, which is preconfigured as en.


The canTranslate options is a function that accepts the GraphQL Yoga context as an argument, augmented with the useLanguage string value that has been set by the getDefaultLanguage method. By default, the canTranslate method returns true when:

  1. the x-nhost-webhook-secret header is equal to the NHOST_WEBHOOK_SECRET environment variable; and
  2. the user is an admin (either valid x-hasura-admin-secret is passed on as a header or x-hasura-role is admin), OR the user is authenticated (the request Authorization has a valid JWT)

Server settings

Other options are available to configure the GraphQL server:

  • Google Project API and API Key can be passed on with the projectId and apiKey parameters. When not set, they will fall back respectively to process.env.GOOGLE_TRANSLATION_PROJECT_ID and process.env.GOOGLE_TRANSLATION_API_KEY.
  • graphiql defaults to true. Set it to false if you don't want to serve the GraphiQL UI.
  • Custom cors configuration. See GraphQL Yoga documentation for further information.


Install dependencies:

pnpm install

Start the development server:

pnpm run start

The GraphQL Server will reload every time the code changes.

Open GraphiQL:

Package Sidebar


npm i @nhost/google-translation



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