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1.0.1 • Public • Published


JavaScript & TypeScript Binance API SDK

JavaScript SDK for the Binance APIs and WebSockets, with TypeScript support. This project is designed to help you make your own projects that interact with the Binance API. You can stream candlestick chart data, market depth, or use other advanced features such as setting stop losses and iceberg orders. This project seeks to have complete API coverage including WebSockets.


  npm i @nikita_isay/binance-api-client

Getting started

  import { BinanceApi } from '@nikita_isay/binance-api-client';

  const apiClient = new BinanceApi({
    enableTestnet: false,
    apiKey: 'YOUR-API-KEY',
    apiSecret: 'YOUR-API-SECRET'

Binance spot market API

Get exchange info

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.getExchangeInfo({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC'

Get order book

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.getOrderBook({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC'

Get recent trades list

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.getRecentTradesList({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC'

Get aggregate trades list

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.getAggregateTradesList({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC',
    limit: 500,
    fromId: 'TRADE_ID',
    startTime: 1684335862286,
    endTime: 1684335862286

Get candlestick data

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.getCandlestickData({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC',
    interval: '1m', // 1m, 1h, 1d, etc
    startTime: 1684335862286,
    endTime: 1684335862286,
    limit: 100, // Default 100; max 1000

Get 24hr ticker price change statistics

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.get24hrTickerPriceChangeStatistics({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC,
    type: 'FULL', // Supported values: FULL or MINI.

Get current average price

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.getCurrentAveragePrice({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC,

Get symbol price ticker

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.getSymbolPriceTicker({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC',

Get symbol order book ticker

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.getSymbolOrderBookTicker({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC',

Get rolling window price change statistics

const res = await apiClient.spot.market.getRollingWindowPriceChangeStatistics({
    symbol: 'ETHBTC',
    symbols: ['ETHBTC', 'BTCUSDT'], // Either symbol or symbols must be provided
    windowSize: '1d', // 1d 1m 1h etc
    type: 'FULL'; // FULL or MINI

Binance spot trade API

Query order

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.queryOrder({
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
    orderId: 'some-order-id',
    origClientOrderId?: 'some-client-order-id',

Get all orders

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.getAllOrders({
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
    orderId: 'some-order-id',
    startTime: 1684335862286,
    endTime: 1684335862286,
    limit: 500,

Get current open orders

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.getCurrentOpenOrders({
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',

Query oco

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.queryOco({
   orderListId: 'some-order-list-id', // Order list id
   origClientOrderId: 'id-from-the-client', // Order id from client

Query all oco

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.queryAllOco({
    fromId: 'Trade id to fetch from',
    startTime: 1684335862286,
    endTime: 1684335862286,
    limit: 500,

Query open oco

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.queryOpenOco();

Get account information

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.getAccountInformation();

Get account trade list

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.getAccountTradeList({
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
    orderId: 'order-id', // This can only be used in combination with symbol.
    startTime: 1684335862286,
    endTime: 1684335862286,
    fromId: 'trade-id-to-fetch-from',
    limit: 500,

Query current order count usage

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.queryCurrentOrderCountUsage();

Create new limit order

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.newLimitOrder({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
  side: 'SELL',
  timeInForce: 'GTC', // GTC/FOK/IOC
  quantity: 1,
  price: 2400,

Create new market order

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.newMarketOrder({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
  side: 'SELL',
  quoteOrderQty: 1,
  quantity: 1

Create new stop loss limit order

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.newStopLossLimitOrder({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
  side: 'BUY',
  timeInForce: 'GTC', // GTC/FOK/IOC
  quantity: 1,
  price: 2345,
  stopPrice: 2345,
  trailingDelta: 2345,

Create new take profit limit order

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.newTakeProfitLimitOrder({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
  side: 'BUY',
  timeInForce: 'GTC', // GTC/FOK/IOC
  quantity: 1,
  price: 2345,
  stopPrice: 2345,
  trailingDelta: 2345,

Create new limit maker order

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.newLimitMakerOrder({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
  side: 'BUY',
  quantity: 1,
  price: 2345

Cancel all open orders on symbol

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.cancelAllOpenOrdersOnSymbol({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',

Cancel order

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.cancelOrder({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
  orderId: 1,
  origClientOrderId: 'ID',
  newClientOrderId: 'ID',

Create new oco order

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.newOco({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
  listClientOrderId: 'ID',
  side: 'SELL',
  quantity: 1,
  limitClientOrderId: 'ID',
  isIsolated: 'FALSE', // for isolated margin or not, "TRUE", "FALSE",default "FALSE"
  price: 2500,
  limitIcebergQty: 2500,
  stopClientOrderId: 'ID', // A unique Id for the stop loss/stop loss limit leg
  stopPrice: 2500,
  stopLimitPrice: 2500, // If provided, stopLimitTimeInForce is required.
  stopIcebergQty: 1,
  stopLimitTimeInForce: 'GTC', // Valid values are GTC/FOK/IOC

Cancel oco order

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.cancelOco({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
  orderListId: 1,
  listClientOrderId: 'ID', // Either orderListId or listClientOrderId must be provided
  newClientOrderId: 'ID', // Used to uniquely identify this cancel. Automatically generated by default

Cancel existing order and send new one

const res = await apiClient.spot.trade.cancelExistingOrderAndSendNew({
  symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
  side: 'SELL',
  type: 'LIMIT_MAKER',
  cancelReplaceMode: 'STOP_ON_FAILURE', // - `STOP_ON_FAILURE` If the cancel request fails, the new order placement will not be attempted. `ALLOW_FAILURES` If new order placement will be attempted even if cancel request fails.
  timeInForce: 'GTC',
  quantity: 1,
  quoteOrderQty: 1,
  price: 2500,
  cancelNewClientOrderId: 'ID', // Used to uniquely identify this cancel. Automatically generated by default
  cancelOrigClientOrderId: 'ID', // Either the cancelOrigClientOrderId or cancelOrderId must be provided. If both are provided, cancelOrderId takes precedence.
  cancelOrderId: 1, // Either the cancelOrigClientOrderId or cancelOrderId must be provided. If both are provided, cancelOrderId takes precedence.
  newClientOrderId: 'ID', // Used to identify the new order.
  strategyId: 1,
  strategyType: 1000000, // The value cannot be less than 1000000
  stopPrice: 2500, // Used with STOP_LOSS, STOP_LOSS_LIMIT, TAKE_PROFIT, and TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT orders.
  trailingDelta: 2500, // Used with STOP_LOSS, STOP_LOSS_LIMIT, TAKE_PROFIT, and TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT orders.
  icebergQty: 2500, // Used with LIMIT, STOP_LOSS_LIMIT, and TAKE_PROFIT_LIMIT to create an iceberg order.

Binance spot WebSocket API

Subscribe to trade data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeTradeStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',

Subscribe to kline/candlestick data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeKlineCandlestickStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
    interval: '1m',

Subscribe to individual symbol mini ticker data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeIndividualSymbolMiniTickerStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',

Subscribe to all market mini tickers data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeAllMarketMiniTickersStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,

Subscribe to individual symbol ticker data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeIndividualSymbolTickerStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',

Subscribe to all market tickers data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeAllMarketTickersStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,

Subscribe to individual symbol rolling window statistics data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeIndividualSymbolRollingWindowStatisticsStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
    window_size: '1h',

Subscribe to all market rolling window statistics data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeAllMarketRollingWindowStatisticsStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
    window_size: '1h',

Subscribe to individual symbol book ticker data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeIndividualSymbolBookTickerStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
   symbol: 'BNBUSDT',

Subscribe to partial book depth data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribePartialBookDepthStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
    levels: 1,

Subscribe to diff depth data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeDiffDepthStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',
    updateSpeed: '1000ms',

Subscribe to aggregate trade data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.spot.subscribeAggregateTradeStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,
    symbol: 'BNBUSDT',

Binance user data WebSocket API

Subscribe to user data stream

const res = await apiClient.realtime.userData.subscribeUserDataStream({
    callback: (data) => handleData(data),
    errorCallback: (error) => handleError(error),
    closeCallback: (code, reason) => handleClosing(code, reason),
    connectionCallback: () => handleConnection(),
    id: 1,

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