
0.1.63 • Public • Published


Meter Group Design System

This is a design system developed wit storybook.

🚅 Get it running

  1. Clone Repository

    Clone the repository by using this command in your terminal:

    git clone git@github.com:ixwerk/meter_components.git

  2. Install dependencies

    Install th dependencies by entering:


  3. Build Storybook

    Build Storybook locally:

    yarn storybook

🖥 Dev workflow

  1. Create issue

    Create isuue in github describe what you want to be developed and assign it to the developer

  2. Create component branch

    Create a branch for each component and work on it independently.

  3. Link Commits to Issue

    Link commits to issue by adding the number to the commit message:

    added component #26

  4. Create a merge request

    By creating a merge request the storybook ci is starting to make some tests and prepare upload the new component to library.

  5. Link issue to merge request

    Link issue to merge request to close it autiomatically when request will be done

  6. Review

    Paste storybook links in request chat and assign the request to team members.

  7. Confirm Changes

    When everybody is confident with the changes its possible to complete the build process in chromatic. This finishes the request and closes the issue.

🔎 What's inside?

A quick look at the top-level files and directories included with this template.

├── github
├── storybook
├── dist
├── node_modules
├── public
├── src
├── .gitignore
├── .env
├── package.json
├── yarn.lock
└── README.md
  1. github: This directory contains the workflows that manage CI, important for automatic chromatic build and npm package releases.

  2. storybook: This directory contains the workflows that manage CI, important for automatic chromatic build and npm package releases.

  3. dist: This directory contains the configuration files (main.js, preview.js), where you can adjust things for storybook

  4. node_modules: This directory contains all of the modules of code that your project depends on (npm packages).

  5. public: This directory will contain the development and production build of the site.

  6. src: This directory will contain all of the code related to what you will see on your application.

  7. .env: This file will contain the necessary environment variables for your application.

  8. .gitignore: This file tells git which files it should not track or maintain during the development process of your project.

  9. LICENSE: The template is licensed under the MIT licence.

  10. package.json: Standard manifest file for Node.js projects, which typically includes project specific metadata (such as the project's name, the author among other information). It's based on this file that npm will know which packages are necessary to the project.

  11. yarn.lock: This is an automatically generated file based on the exact versions of your npm dependencies that were installed for your project. (Do not change it manually).

  12. README.md: A text file containing useful reference information about the project.

Learning Storybook

  1. Read our introductory tutorial over at Storybook tutorials.
  2. Learn how to transform your component libraries into design systems in our Design Systems for Developers tutorial.
  3. See our official documentation at Storybook.



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npm i @nilsjacobsen/meter_ui_lib

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  • nilsjacobsen