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2.0.6 • Public • Published

Nimiq Albatross Light Client

A very light Nimiq Proof-of-Stake client for browsers and NodeJS, compiled from Rust to WebAssembly.

Note This light client is intended to be used in web browsers or NodeJS only (no WASI support either). Other webworker-enabled environments are not yet supported.

📦 Installation

You need to install this package from npm:

# Depending on your package manager:
npm install @nimiq/core
yarn add @nimiq/core
pnpm install @nimiq/core

🛠️ Usage

This package contains the WASM file bundled for three targets: bundler, web and node.

With Bundlers

If you use any bundler for your project, like Webpack or Vite, you should probably use the bundler target exported from the package root. If that doesn't work, or you require the web target for your use-case, jump to the With ES Modules section.

[!IMPORTANT] For Webpack 5:

  • Enable the asyncWebAssembly experiment in your config.
  • Dynamically import the package with await import().

[!IMPORTANT] For Vite:

  • Add vite-plugin-wasm to your plugins in Vite's config.
  • Also add it to the worker.plugins list.
  • Exclude this package from Vite's dependency optimization:
// vite.config.ts
optimizeDeps: {
   exclude: ['@nimiq/core'],

[!IMPORTANT] For Nuxt:

  • Add vite-plugin-wasm to the vite.plugins list in Nuxt's config.
  • Also add it to the vite.worker.plugins list.
  • Exclude this package from Vite's dependency optimization:
// nuxt.config.ts
vite: {
  optimizeDeps: {
     exclude: ['@nimiq/core'],
  • Ensure the package is only run client-side: either set ssr: false in your Nuxt config, import this package only in client-side plugins, or wrap it in <ClientOnly>.
// With Webpack: import the package asynchronously:
const Nimiq = await import('@nimiq/core');
// With Vite, import at the top of your file:
import * as Nimiq from '@nimiq/core';

// Create a configuration builder:
const config = new Nimiq.ClientConfiguration();

// Change the config, if necessary:
// --------------------------------
// Specify the network to use:
// Optional, default is 'mainalbatross'
// Specify the seed nodes to initially connect to:
// Optional, default is the mainnet seed list
// Change the lowest log level that is output to the console:
// Optional, default is 'info'

// Instantiate and launch the client:
const client = await Nimiq.Client.create(config.build());

With ES Modules

// Import the loader and package from the /web path:
import init, * as Nimiq from '@nimiq/core/web';

// Load and initialize the WASM file
init().then(() => {
    // Create a configuration builder:
    const config = new Nimiq.ClientConfiguration();

    // Change the config as shown above, if necessary
    // ...

    // Instantiate and launch the client:
    const client = await Nimiq.Client.create(config.build());


For NodeJS, this package includes both CommonJS and ESM builds. You can either require() the package or import it.

// Import as CommonJS module
const Nimiq = require("@nimiq/core");
// Or import as ESM module
import * as Nimiq from "@nimiq/core";

// In ESM modules you can use await at the top-level and do not need an async wrapper function.
async function main() {
    // Create a configuration builder:
    const config = new Nimiq.ClientConfiguration();

    // Change the config as shown above, if necessary
    // ...

    // Instantiate and launch the client:
    const client = await Nimiq.Client.create(config.build());

🐛 Issues, Bugs and Feedback

If you encounter issues or you find a bug, please open an issue in our Github at https://github.com/nimiq/core-rs-albatross.

If you want to provide feedback or have questions about the client, our "Nimiq Coders Dojo" Telegram group and the Community Forum are the right places for that.

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