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A set of developer-friendly eslint, stylistic, typescript and accessibility configuration rules to help you and fellow developers follow the industry-recommended coding practices for easier readability, maintenance and productivity !

[!NOTE] This package is compatible with eslint 9.0.0 or above. For usage with eslint 8.57.0 or below check @nish1896/eslint-config.

Quick Setup

Copy the code snippet most relevant to your application and paste it in the eslint.config.mjs file in your project root.

  • NodeJS App
import jsConfig from '@nish1896/eslint-flat-config/js';

export default [
  • React & Vite
import jsConfig from '@nish1896/eslint-flat-config/js';
import jsxConfig from '@nish1896/eslint-flat-config/jsx';

export default [
  • Next

Add the next import to the existing eslint.config.mjs file provided by Next.js app.

import nextConfig from '@nish1896/eslint-flat-config/next';

const eslintConfig = [
  ...compat.extends('next/core-web-vitals', 'next/typescript')

export default eslintConfig;

For comprehensive details on installation, setup, rules, and usage, please refer the Documentation 📖.

If you are a React developer, I highly recommend checking out my package, @nish1896/rhf-mui-components.

Package Sidebar


npm i @nish1896/eslint-flat-config

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  • nishkohli96