A simple, small, light-weight but powerful data table in svelte.
export const config = {
no: {
name: "name", // head column
type: "number", // number, string -> will align in different way
formatter: (t) => `#${t}`, // how to format data
hideMobile: true, // hide in mobile (will deprecate probably)
name: {
name: "FISH",
type: "text",
align: "left", // text align
className: "fishName", // custom class name
price: {
name: "價格",
sortable: true, // sortable in table head
formatter: function priceFormatter(t) {
return formatNumber(t);
comparator: priceComparator, // when sortable is ture, comparator is required.
price08: {
accessor: (d) => d.price, // a function to define how to get data in this column
- [ ] pagination support
- [x] Fixed header
- [x] sortable
- [ ] slot
- [ ] expanded view
- [ ] group
- [ ] row and column event handler
- [ ] selectable
- [ ] Event communication
- [ ] a11y support
- [ ] test
- [ ] TypeScript support