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2.8.0 • Public • Published

Standard HTTP Server

Status: alpha. Actively developed, new releases may break things.

Minimal Http Server, based on Mesh IoC.


  • 🗜 Minimal abstraction over native APIs
  • 🧩 Composable handlers
  • 📦 Routing and standard handlers included
  • ☢️ Heavily opinionated!


// 1. Your logic is implemented in handlers
export class FooHandler implements HttpHandler {
    async handle(ctx: HttpContext, next: HttpNext) {
        // Call next() to execute the next middleware in chain.
        // Or assign ctx.status and ctx.responseBody to end request processing

// 2. Multiple handlers can be composed into chains
export class AppHandler implements HttpChain {
    @dep() foo!: FooHandler;
    @dep() bar!: BarHandler;
    @dep() baz!: BarHandler;

    handlers = [

// 3. Bind scopes and handlers in your composition root
class App {

    globalScope = this.createGlobalScope();

    createGlobalScope() {
        const mesh = new Mesh('Global');
        // In global scope bind:
        //   - the server instance
        //   - a request scope factory (a function that returns Mesh instance)
        mesh.constant(HttpServer.SCOPE, () => this.createRequestScope());
        // ...
        return mesh;

    createRequestScope() {
        const mesh = new Mesh('Request', this.globalScope);
        // In request scope bind the handler class. This way it can access other
        // request-scoped dependencies.
        mesh.service(HttpServer.HANDLER, AppHandler);
        // Bind other request-scoped services.
        // ...
        return mesh;


// 4. Start server
await app.httpServer.start();


The following env variables are supported by Http Server by default:

  • HTTP_PORT (default: 8080) - port to listen to
  • HTTP_ADDRESS (default: '' }) - bind address
  • HTTP_TIMEOUT (default: 300_000 }) - HTTP socket timeout
  • HTTP_SHUTDOWN_DELAY (default: 5_000 }) — a sleep before stopping accepting connections (useful for 0-downtime deployments in environments like k8s)
  • HTTP_BODY_LIMIT (default: 5 * 1024 * 1024 }) - maximum number of bytes allowed in request body

API Cheatsheet


Request URL

Request URL is parsed and is available as native URL object:


Query Params

Use ctx.url.searchParams to access query string.

Alternatively, use ctx.query which is a HttpDict.

Request Headers

Get request header value:

const authorization = ctx.getRequestHeader('Authorization');

Request headers support multiple values, so are stored as HttpDict.

ctx.requestHeaders; // { 'content-type': ['application/json'], ... }

Request body

Request body needs to be explicitly read.

const body = await ctx.readRequestBody();

The body type is inferred from Content-Type header, but can also be explicitly specified.

const jsonBody = await ctx.readRequestBody('json');

The following request body types are supported:

  • json
  • text
  • urlencoded
  • raw


Status Code

Assign status code:

ctx.status = 500;

Status can also be read from thrown errors by StandardMiddleware:

class AccessDeniedError extends Error {
    status = 403;
    override name = this.constructor.name;

throw new AccessDeniedError();

Response Headers

Set response header value:

ctx.setResponseHeader('X-Powered-By', 'NodeScript');

Response headers support multiple values, so are stored as HttpDict.

Response body

Set response body:

ctx.responseBody = {
    foo: 123

The Content-Type and Content-Length headers will be inferred if not speicified explicitly.

The following response body types are supported:

  • string (text/plain)
  • JSON (application/json)
  • Buffer (application/x-octet-stream)
  • Stream (piped with chunked encoding by default)

Note: you may wish to set Content-Type explicitly if you're using Buffer or Stream.


Http Dict

Request/Response Headers and parsed Query String objects support multiple values per key.

In order to provide unified type-safe access to them they are stored as HttpDict type, which is just Record<string, string[]>.

Thus expect string arrays when accessing ctx.requestHeaders, ctx.responseHeaders or ctx.query. Or use ctx.getRequestHeader, ctx.setResponseHeader and ctx.url.searchParams for higher-level APIs.




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  • mattscarthsaunders
  • danielolaviobr
  • inca