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1.1.0 • Public • Published


Get alerts from Ko-Fi via JavaScript


Use your favourite package manager, idk

npm install @ntf/kofi-alerts
yarn add @ntf/kofi-alerts
pnpm install @ntf/kofi-alerts



This library can be used in CommonJS and ESModule environments

const {...} = require("@ntf/kofi-alerts");
import {...} from "@ntf/kofi-alerts";


You need:

  • the user key
  • the page id

You can get the user key by visiting the Stream Alert Overlay section and then extract it from the URL that is provided (https://ko-fi.com/streamalerts/overlay/<user-key>). On that same page you also have to set Alert Text to:

Got {amount} from {from_name}!

You can get the page id by visiting the Connect to Zapier section and copy the value in Page Id

Creating the client

store the required information somewhere safe and pass it to the constructor of the class KoFiAlertsClient:

const userKey = "<your-user-key>"
const pageId = "<your-page-id>"

const client = new KoFiAlertsClient({
    userKey: userKey,
    pageId: pageId,
    // optional, see more on @microsoft/signalr type IHttpConnectionOptions
    logger: ...

Connecting the client

now use the exposed method connect to connect to the servers. Keep in mind it can throw exceptions here

await client.connect()

Listening on alerts

when the connection has been enstablished, you can set a callback function on onalert to get the alert

client.onalert = (alert) => {

The alert object has a type property that can be:



The donation alert contains information about a donation that has been made at that moment

  • name: The name of the donor
  • amount: The amount of money the doner has donated, this value is in the currency of the profile
  • tts: The text-to-speech message if it exists
  • image: The image of the donor? not sure, might be HTML too
  • raw: The raw message which is a HTML code snippet


The goal alert contains one property called goal with the following properties:

  • Title: The name of the goal
  • GoalAmount: The amount of money the goal has already received
  • Currency: The currency the goal uses
  • ShowGoal: Is the goal visible
  • ProgressPercentage: The percentage of the goal from 0...100 as number


The activities alert contains just like the goal alert one property called activity with the following properties:

  • AlertTimestamp: UNIX timestamp when the alert happend?
  • IsTestActivity: Is this a test activity?
  • TransactionId: The UUID of the transaction
  • Timestamp: UNIX timestamp of when the transaction happend?
  • UserName: The name of the user
  • Amount: The amount of money that was used for the transaction. For some odd reason this is a string, not a number
  • Currency: The currency that was used for the transaction
  • TwitchUsername: The user's Twitch username. This is "" if not provided
  • Message: The message of the user. This is "" if not provided
  • IsMessagePublic: Is this a public message that is viewable by anyone?
  • TransactionType: The type of transaction

if TransactionType is Shop item or Commission then the following properties are valid:

  • ShopItemName: The name of the item in the shop or commission

if TransactionType is Membership then the following properties are valid:

  • MembershipTierName: The name of the membership tier

Keep in mind that this transaction is always fired when a user pays for the membership monthly so you would get this every month

There's also a TransactionType called Donation but it has no extra properties because it uses the Message property only


Sometimes you might get this alert but it does not contain anything important, you only receive it when you change something in the stream donation/goal overlay options

The connect process

When you call connect on KoFiAlertsClient the following things happen:

  • a GET request is made on https://ko-fi.com/api/streamalerts/negotiation-token with userKey=<your-user-key> and _=<current-UNIX-timestamp> as URL parameters and you should get a JSON object returned with token as a property
  • a POST request is made on https://sa-functions.ko-fi.com/api/negotiate with negotationToken=<the-token-from-above>, pageId=<your-page-id> and timestamp=<YYYY_MM_DD_HH_MM_SS_MS> as URL parameters and you should get a JSON object returned with url and accessToken as properties
  • from the url and accessToken we create a SignalR client and from there we can listen to various events:
    • newStreamAlert: A donation was received
    • updateGoalOverlay: The goal has changed its state
    • updateAlertActivity: A activity was received

MAQ (Maybe-Asked-Questions)

Q: What's the difference between donation and activities with TransactionType Donation?
A: Both alerts expose different kind of properties more or less but some are the same, it's up to you which one you choose

License stuff that nobody reads

Just like any Open Source Project this has a License, the MIT License

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