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15.0.0-rc.0 • Public • Published

Nx Plus Vite

First class support for Vite in your Nx workspace.



Nx Workspace

If you have not already, create an Nx workspace with the following:

npx create-nx-workspace@^15.0.0

Peer Dependencies

If you have not already, install peer dependencies with the following:

# npm
npm install @nrwl/cypress@^15.0.0 @nrwl/jest@^15.0.0 @nrwl/linter@^15.0.0 --save-dev

# yarn
yarn add @nrwl/cypress@^15.0.0 @nrwl/jest@^15.0.0 @nrwl/linter@^15.0.0 --dev

Getting Started

Install Plugin

# npm
npm install @nx-plus/vite --save-dev

# yarn
yarn add @nx-plus/vite --dev

Generate Your App

nx g @nx-plus/vite:app my-app

Serve Your App

nx serve my-app

Schematics (i.e. code generation)


nx g @nx-plus/vite:app <name> [options]

Arguments Description
<name> The name of your app.
Options Default Description
--tags - Tags to use for linting (comma-delimited).
--directory apps A directory where the project is placed.
--unitTestRunner jest Test runner to use for unit tests.
--e2eTestRunner cypress Test runner to use for end to end (e2e) tests.
--skipFormat false Skip formatting files.

Builders (i.e. task runners)


nx serve <name> [options]

Arguments Description
<name> The name of your app.
Options Default Description
--config - Use specified config file.
--root - Use specified root directory.
--base '/' Public base path.
--host - Specify hostname.
--port - Specify port.
--https - Use TLS + HTTP/2.
--open - Open browser on startup.
--cors - Enable cors.
--strictPort - Exit if specified port is already in use.
--mode - Set env mode.
--force - Force the optimizer to ignore the cache and re-bundle.


nx build <name> [options]

Arguments Description
<name> The name of your app.
Options Default Description
--config - Use specified config file.
--root - Use specified root directory.
--base '/' Public base path.
--target 'modules' Transpile target.
--outDir - Output directory.
--assetsDir '_assets' Directory under outDir to place assets in.
--assetsInlineLimit 4096 Static asset base64 inline threshold in bytes.
--ssr - Build specified entry for server-side rendering.
--sourcemap false Output source maps for build.
--minify 'esbuild' Enable/disable minification, or specify minifier to use.
--manifest - Emit build manifest json.
--ssrManifest - Emit ssr manifest json.
--emptyOutDir - Force empty outDir when it's outside of root.
--mode - Set env mode.
--force - Force the optimizer to ignore the cache and re-bundle.
--watch - Rebuilds when modules have changed on disk.

Configuring Vite

A vite.config.js can be found at the root of your project. See the Vite documentation for more details.


nx lint <name> [options]

We use @nrwl/linter for linting, so the options are as documented here.

Unit Testing

nx test <name> [options]

We use @nrwl/jest for unit testing, so the options are as documented here.

E2E Testing

nx e2e <name> [options]

We use @nrwl/cypress for e2e testing, so the options are as documented here.

Package Sidebar


npm i @nx-plus/vite

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  • zachjw34
  • buckymaler