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13.0.1 • Public • Published


An Angular front-end framework tailored for your swiss branded business web application.

Oblique provides a standardized corporate design look and feel as well as a collection of ready-to-use Angular components. Oblique, through its fully customizable master layout, takes care of the application's structure, letting you focus on the content.

This package is the @oblique/oblique library distributed on NPM.

See README.md on GitHub for information about the other packages.


The official Oblique documentation is located here: https://oblique.bit.admin.ch/

You will find information about how to use Oblique, code samples, FAQ and many more.


  • lint: lints the projects with EsLint, StyleLint and Prettier; Automatically run on the CI pipeline
  • format: same as lint, but with autofix parameter
  • test: run all tests and collects coverage
  • test-ci: same as test, but an additional Sonar report is generated; Automatically run on the CI pipeline
  • test-debugging: same as test, but with extra debugging options
  • build: build the library; Automatically run on the CI pipeline
  • release: create a new release, i.e. bump version number and updates the changelog
  • update-icons: create icon sets and icons as CSS files, should be called whenever there is a change to any icon SVG
  • tarball: creates a tarball with a fresh build. If one or more paths to other projects can be passed as parameter, the tarball will be installed in those projects


Embedding Oblique into your project

  1. Update your project to the Angular version supported by the Oblique version you want to install. Have a look at the Angular update guide for more instructions: https://update.angular.io
  2. Add Oblique to your project: ng add @oblique/oblique. This interactive command will:
    • add oblique and its dependencies
    • refactor your application to integrate Oblique
    • optionally replace jasmine with jest
    • optionally configure Sonar
    • optionally replace tslint with eslint and prettier
    • optionally add a git hook to auto format files before push

Checking for updates

  • Bump dependencies through Angular cli first: ng update
  • Then update oblique: ng update @oblique/oblique
  • Finally, update the dependencies without build-in schematics: npm update
  • New major versions can be discovered through npm outdated

Contribute to Oblique

If you'd like to contribute, please follow our contributing guidelines on GitHub.


Copyright (c) The Swiss Confederation, represented by the Federal Office of Information Technology, Systems and Telecommunication FOITT.

Licensed under the MIT license.




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  • nina-egger
  • dariopog-foitt
  • gillerr