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2.2.1 • Public • Published


Rehydration of Ogma JSON logs without a problem.

Ogma comes with a command line function to rehydrate your json formatted logs back into the human readable format that can be installed with @ogma/cli. The command takes one to two arguments, a log file relative to where the command is run from, and an optional flag to force the cli to print out with color. Find the table below to learn more about the arguments.

argument required default description
file yes none The log file to be "hydrated". This file should contain newline separated Ogma formatted JSON logs.
--color no terminal's TTY argument you can pass --color or --color=true to force colors to be used. --color=false will force the command to not print the logs back out in color. Depending on the terminal you are using, colors may not be used by default.

The arguments can be passed in any order for ease of use.


An example of the command's usage could be like so:

ogma production.log --color

or if you have a TTY enabled command prompt

ogma production.log

As this prints out to process.stdout it is possible to pipe this output to another file using the > operator. Like so:

ogma production.log > production.hydrated.log

You can also read from a stream. For example, in Unix shells, you can redirect the output of tail to read incoming lines:

tail -F production.log | ogma hydrate


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  • jmcdo29
  • jeffminsungkim