Appframe Data for modern browsers and Node.js
An implementation of afDataObject using modern browser APIs and syntax. The bundle also includes the Api, DataProviderHandler, MemoryStorage and Procedure classes.
API changes
This project provides 2 versions of the data object. One version that should have the same API as afDataObject (but might not be compatible), and one slightly more lightweight version.
The light version removes some of the less used methods:
- getAllPrimKeys
- getAllRows
- getByID
- getDataHandler (dataHandler field on DataObject is public)
- getDataSourceArticleID (options field on DataObject is public)
- getDirtyData
- getEventHandler (eventHandler field on DataObject is public)
- getSystemFieldNames
- getGroupBy / setGroupBy
- hasIITrig
- hasIUTrig
- hasIDTrig
- saveToLocal
- saveToIndexedDB
- setErrorHandler
Functions that takes callbacks are now simple wrappers around equivalent async functions. The async functions are preferred over functions with callbacks, and the callback functions might be deprecated/removed in the future. The async versions do not use the errorHandler, but will isntead throw errors.
As of version 0.8, both the non-async methods have been made async. Both versions will throw exceptions on failure, but the methods ending with Async will not use the data objects' error handler first.
Async methods in DataObject:
- deleteCurrentRowAsync
- deleteRowAsync
- endEditAsync
- getAllPrimKeysAsync (compat version only)
- refreshCurrentRowAsync
- refreshDataSourceAsync
- refreshRowAsync
- retrievePartialAsync
- saveAsync
Async methods in DataHandler:
- createAsync
- destroyAsync
- retrieveAsync
- updateAsync
Async methods in Procedure
- executeAsync
- execute2Async
Other differences
- These properties are public on the data object:
- Options (dataObject.options)
- Data handler (dataObject.dataHandler)
- Event handler (dataObject.eventHandler)
- storageEngine (dataObject.storageEngine)
- masterDataObject (dataObject.masterDataObject)
Breaking changes
- XML fields not supported. Will be handled as strings
no longer support running synchronously by passing a synchronous boolean parameter.setCurrentIndex
still supports a second boolean parameter, but this will not cause it to run synchronously, but will return a promise if it is set to true. - The argument passed in
changed from an object with the parameter name as the key, to an object with this shape:{ name: 'parameterName', value: 'parameterValue' }
Event handler changes
To reduce dependency size, the EventHandler class from @olenbetong/common has been replaced with mitt
. Events emitted are CustomEvent instances, and instead of returning false to abort an event, we have to call event.preventDefault()
instead. The arguments for the event are now found in event.detail
Another consequence of using mitt
is that all event handlers will be called even if one of them calls event.preventDefault()
. This shouldn't be a problem, since relying on the event handler to stop executing is unsafe, because you don't know if a handler after yours will abort the event.
The Paging component used another EvenHandler type, but this has also been replaced with mitt
. This means you no longer have an on
, before
or after
string as the first argument to attach and detach. To replace the after events for abortable events, afterPageRefresh
and afterPageChange
have been added.
Browser support
The data object is only tested in modern browsers (Chromium, Firefox and Safari). A legacy bundle with IE11 target is created, but no longer tested.
The following APIs need to be polyfilled in order to use this project with older browsers:
- fetch + AbortController
- Promise
- Array.prototype.includes
- Object.assign
- Object.values
- String.prototype.includes
Client class for cross-domain support
There is a new Client class that can be used to access data objects and procedures on other origins (assuming
CORS has been set up correctly). Data handlers and procedures take a client
option that can be set to
override the default client (current origin).
If the user is not already authenticated on the origin, you need to run the login
import { Client, ProcedureAPI } from "@olenbetong/data-object";
const devClient = new Client("");
await devClient.login("admin", "1234");
const procSomething = new ProcedureAPI({ procedureId: "astp_Namespace_ProcedureName", client: devClient });
NB! When running in a Node.js environment, no default client is set. You can set it using the
export. If any operation that performs network requests is executed before
the default client is set, an exception will be thrown.
import { Client, setDefaultClient } from "@olenbetong/data-object";
const devClient = new Client("");
await devClient.login("admin", "1234");