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0.0.5 • Public • Published


A flexible audio management library for web applications.


  • Simple API for audio playback control
  • Support for loading and playing audio files
  • Volume control and seeking functionality
  • Event-driven architecture for easy integration
  • Built-in audio analysis capabilities


Install the package using npm or yarn:

npm install @omi3/audio


pnpm add @omi3/audio


Here's a basic example of how to use the library:

import { AudioChannel, EventHandler, Music } from '@omi3/audio';

const eventHandler: EventHandler = {
onPlay: () => console.log('Audio started playing'),
onPause: () => console.log('Audio paused'),
onEnded: () => console.log('Audio playback ended'),
onTimeUpdate: (time) => console.log(Current time: ${time}),
onError: (error) => console.error('Audio error:', error),
const audioChannel = new AudioChannel(eventHandler);
const music: Music = {
id: '1',
name: 'My Audio',
url: 'https://example.com/audio.mp3',
async function playAudio() {
await audioChannel.initialize();
await audioChannel.load(music);
await audioChannel.play();

API Reference


The main class for managing audio playback.


constructor(eventHandler: EventHandler, audioContextFactory?: () => AudioContext)
  • eventHandler: An object implementing the EventHandler interface.
  • audioContextFactory: (Optional) A function that returns an AudioContext instance.


  • initialize(): Promise<void>: Initializes the audio context and sets up audio processing.
  • load(music: Music): Promise<void>: Loads an audio file and prepares it for playback.
  • play(): Promise<void>: Starts or resumes audio playback.
  • pause(): void: Pauses audio playback.
  • seek(time: number): void: Seeks to a specific time in the audio.
  • setVolume(volume: number): void: Sets the volume of the audio (0 to 1).
  • isPlaying(): boolean: Checks if audio is currently playing.
  • dispose(): void: Disposes of the audio channel and releases resources.


An interface for handling audio events.

interface EventHandler {
  onPlay?: () => void;
  onPause?: () => void;
  onEnded?: () => void;
  onTimeUpdate?: (time: number) => void;
  onDurationChange?: (duration: number) => void;
  onError?: (error: Error) => void;
  onAnalyserCreated?: (analyser: AnalyserNode) => void;


A simple interface for representing music data.

interface Music {
  id: string;
  name: string;
  url: string;

Advanced Usage

Audio Analysis

The AudioChannel class provides access to an AnalyserNode for audio visualization or analysis:

const eventHandler: EventHandler = {
  onAnalyserCreated: (analyser: AnalyserNode) => {
    // Use the analyser node for visualizations or further audio processing
    console.log('Analyser created:', analyser);
const audioChannel = new AudioChannel(eventHandler);

Custom Audio Context

You can provide a custom audio context factory to the AudioChannel constructor:

const customAudioContextFactory = () => {
  return new (window.AudioContext || (window as any).webkitAudioContext)({
    latencyHint: 'interactive',
    sampleRate: 44100,
const audioChannel = new AudioChannel(eventHandler, customAudioContextFactory);

Browser Compatibility

This library uses the Web Audio API, which is supported in all modern browsers. For older browsers, consider using a polyfill or fallback solution.


Contributions are welcome! Please read our contributing guidelines and code of conduct before submitting pull requests.


This package is licensed under Apache-2.0 - see the LICENSE file for details.

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