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0.0.21 • Public • Published

🐸 @omni-door/tpl-utils

The Utils for @omni-door/cli and other templates project.

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  • Clone the repo: git clone git@github.com:omni-door/tpl-utils.git

  • Install with npm: npm install @omni-door/tpl-utils

  • Install with Yarn: yarn add @omni-door/tpl-utils


  • exec

    import { exec } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
      ['npm test', 'ls && pwd', 'npm run build'],
      () => console.info('成功!'),
      () => console.error('失败!')
  • logPrefix

    import { logPrefix } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    logPrefix(); // 😊  [OMNI-DOOR]:
  • setLogo

    import { setLogo } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    setLogo('❤️️️️  ');
  • setBrand

    import { setBrand } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
  • getLogo

    import { getLogo } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    getLogo(); // ❤️️  
  • getBrand

    import { getBrand } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    getBrand(); // ODYSSEY
  • logDetail

    import { logDetail } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    logDetail('this is a message!'); // ❤️️  [ODYSSEY]: this is a message! (gray)
  • logEmph

    import { logEmph } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    logEmph('this is a message!'); // ❤️️  [ODYSSEY]: this is a message! (cyan)
  • logErr

    import { logErr } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    logErr('this is a message!'); // ❤️️  [ODYSSEY]: this is a message! (red)
  • logInfo

    import { logInfo } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    logInfo('this is a message!'); // ❤️️  [ODYSSEY]: this is a message! (white)
  • logSuc

    import { logSuc } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    logSuc('this is a message!'); // ❤️️  [ODYSSEY]: this is a message! (green)
  • logWarn

    import { logWarn } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    logWarn('this is a message!'); // ❤️️  [ODYSSEY]: this is a message! (yellow)
  • underline

    import { underline } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    logWarn(underline('this is a message!')); // ❤️️  [ODYSSEY]: this is a message! (has underline)
  • italic

    import { italic } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    logDetail(italic('this is a message!')); // ❤️️  [ODYSSEY]: this is a message! (italic font)
  • node_version

    node -v # v10.13.0
    import { node_version } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    // pass
    (async function () {
      // require node version >= 10
      await node_version('10');
    // can't through the check and will be exit with warn log
    (async function () {
      // require node version >= 10.14
      await node_version('10.14');
    // can't through the check and will be exit with warn log
    (async function () {
      // require node version >= 10.13.1
      await node_version('10.13.1');
  • output_file

    import { output_file } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
      file_path: file_path('src/test.txt'),
      file_content: 'I am a test content!'
  • getDependency

    import { getDependency } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    const dependency = getDependency('latest', {
      'core-js': '3.6.4',
      'react': '16.12.0',
      'react-dom': '16.12.0',
      'regenerator-runtime': '0.13.3'
    const dependency_stable = getDependency('stable', {
      'core-js': '3.6.4',
      'react': '16.12.0',
      'react-dom': '16.12.0',
      'regenerator-runtime': '0.13.3'
    dependency('react'); // 'react@latest'
    dependency_stable('react'); // 'react@16.12.0'
  • arr2str

    import { arr2str } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    arr2str([1, 2, 3]); // "1 2 3"
  • intersection

    import { intersection } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    depArr = [ ...intersection(depArr, depArr.filter(v => v !== 1)) ]
  • spinner

    import { spinner } from '@omni-door/tpl-utils';
    spinner.state('start', 'begin!');
    spinner.text('new text');
    spinner.state('succeed', 'succeed!');

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  • bobby.li