AWS LC with FIPS for React Native. AWS-LC is Amazons LibCrypto. Besides being tailored for their specific use-cases, it is battle tested and constantly updated. This library uses the Rust version for ease of compiling but internally it runs the same code as the base AWS-LC version (it contains code from BoringSSL and handwritten assembly).
AWS-LC-RS follows closely the Ring API, aiming to be a drop-in replacement, this library also tries to mimic the API in a JS idiomatic way.
npm install @op-engineering/op-aws-lc
npx pod-install
Or if using Expo
npm install @op-engineering/op-aws-lc
npx expo prebuild
Unfortunately, AWS-LC with FIPS does not compile for mac intel architectures, so if you add this library to your app it will not be able to be compiled for older Intel Macs.
The main motivation is not to bring yet another crypto library to the ecosystem, but rather a FIPS certified one for hardened security requirements.
FIPS (Federal Information Processing Standards) is a set of standards and guidelines for cryptographic modules, established by the US National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST). FIPS 140-2/3 certification ensures that cryptographic modules meet rigorous security requirements for use in government and regulated industries.
Key points about FIPS:
- Required for US federal government systems
- Industry standard for healthcare and financial sectors
- Validates implementation of cryptographic algorithms
- Ensures proper key management and module security
- AWS-LC has obtained FIPS 140-2 Level 1 validation
This library binds the Rust version of AWS-LC with FIPS turned on.
import { hmac, HmacAlgorithm } from '@op-engineering/op-aws-lc';
// key is an ArrayBuffer that contains the raw bytes of the tag
const key = hmac.Key.generate(HmacAlgorithm.SHA256);
const signature = hmac.sign(key, 'hello');
const verified = hmac.verify(key, 'hello', signature);
// There are also async versions when the data you are trying to verify is large
const signature = hmac.signAsync(key, 'hello');
const verified = hmac.verifyAsync(key, 'hello', signature);
if (!verified) {
throw new Error('failed to pass hmac verfication');
The rest of the algorithms inside aws-lc still need to be bridged. Get in contact by joining our Discord or write to for further assistance.
You can see the list of available funcitonality in the Rust crate here. Eventually op-aws-lc aims to cover all of these.