
2.4.0 • Public • Published


This package contains test utilities that make it easier to test parts of an Open Pioneer Trails application.

Web Component utilities

Provides a few helpers to render web components into the DOM.

The helpers can be used to make testing web components that use a Shadow DOM easier.


 * @vitest-environment happy-dom
import { it, expect } from "vitest";
import { createElement } from "react";
import { createCustomElement } from "@open-pioneer/runtime";
import { renderComponentShadowDOM } from "@open-pioneer/test-utils/web-components";

it("should render a custom component into the dom", async () => {
    // Define a custom element class.
    // The shadow root must be open for testing to work (which is the default during development).
    const elem = createCustomElement({
        component: () => createElement("div", { className: "test" }, "hello world")

    // Waits until the component is rendered.
    // Returns an inner container from the shadow dom (`.pioneer-root` by default).
    // The queries object searches in that inner container.
    const { queries } = await renderComponentShadowDOM(elem);
    const div = await queries.findByText("hello world");

Take a look at the tests in this package for more examples.

React utilities

Provides helpers to make testing of react components easier that use the hooks from the "open-pioneer:react-hooks" module (e.g. useService).

The developer can provide custom service implementations, properties etc. using a simple parent component.


import { expect, it } from "vitest";
import { screen, render } from "@testing-library/react";
import { PackageContextProvider } from "@open-pioneer/test-utils/react";
import { useProperties, useService, useServices } from "open-pioneer:react-hooks";

it("should allow injection of service from the test", async () => {
    // A simple component that uses a service.
    function Component() {
        const service = useService("testService");
        return <div>Message: {service.getMessage()}</div>;

    // Setup test services.
    const mocks = {
        services: {
            testService: {
                getMessage() {
                    return "Hello World!";

    // The PackageContextProvider parent ensures that the useService() in our test component works.
        <PackageContextProvider {...mocks}>
            <Component />

    const div = await screen.findByText(/^Message:/);

Take a look at the tests in this package for more examples.

Service utilities

Provides a utility to construct new service instances. References to other service instances can be mocked with user defined test values.


import { expect, it } from "vitest";
import { createService } from "@open-pioneer/test-utils/services";
import { MyService } from "./MyService"; // User defined service

it("creates a new service instance with the defined references", async () => {
    const service = await createService(MyService, {
        references: {
            // Will be injected into the constructor.
            // TypeScript checks are intentionally relaxed a bit.
            someReference: {
                bar() {
                    return 123;
    // ... other assertions ...

Utilities for Vanilla JS

The function createIntl from @open-pioneer/test-utils/vanilla can be used to make the creation of an intl object easier from vanilla JavaScript:

import { createIntl } from "@open-pioneer/test-utils/vanilla";

// In your test:
const intl = createIntl(/* optional arguments such as messages or locale */);
    /* ... */


Apache-2.0 (see LICENSE file)



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  • mbeckem_conterra
  • jessebluemr
  • antoniave_conterra
  • open_pioneer