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1.0.0 • Public • Published

OpenZeppelin Contracts Wizard for Cairo

NPM Package

Interactively build a contract out of components from OpenZeppelin Contracts for Cairo. Provide parameters and desired features for the kind of contract that you want, and the Wizard will generate all of the code necessary. The resulting code is ready to be compiled and deployed, or it can serve as a starting point and customized further with application specific logic.

This package provides a programmatic API. For a web interface, see https://wizard.openzeppelin.com/cairo


npm install @openzeppelin/wizard-cairo

Contract types

The following contract types are supported:

  • erc20
  • erc721
  • erc1155
  • account
  • governor
  • vesting
  • custom

Each contract type has functions/constants as defined below.



function print(opts?: ERC20Options): string
function print(opts?: ERC721Options): string
function print(opts?: ERC1155Options): string
function print(opts?: AccountOptions): string
function print(opts?: GovernorOptions): string
function print(opts?: VestingOptions): string
function print(opts?: CustomOptions): string

Returns a string representation of a contract generated using the provided options. If opts is not provided, uses defaults.


const defaults: Required<ERC20Options>
const defaults: Required<ERC721Options>
const defaults: Required<ERC1155Options>
const defaults: Required<AccountOptions>
const defaults: Required<GovernorOptions>
const defaults: Required<VestingOptions>
const defaults: Required<CustomOptions>

The default options that are used for print.


function isAccessControlRequired(opts: Partial<ERC20Options>): boolean
function isAccessControlRequired(opts: Partial<ERC721Options>): boolean
function isAccessControlRequired(opts: Partial<ERC1155Options>): boolean
function isAccessControlRequired(opts: Partial<CustomOptions>): boolean

Whether any of the provided options require access control to be enabled. If this returns true, then calling print with the same options would cause the access option to default to 'ownable' if it was undefined or false.

Note that contracts such as account, governor, and vesting have their own ways of handling permissions and do not support the access option. Thus, those types do not include isAccessControlRequired.

Contract specific functions


Calculates the initial supply that would be used in an ERC20 contract based on a given premint amount and number of decimals.

  • premint Premint amount in token units, may be fractional
  • decimals The number of decimals in the token

Returns premint with zeros padded or removed based on decimals. Throws an error if premint has more than one decimal character or is more precise than allowed by the decimals argument.


Import the contract type(s) or function categories (for example, erc20 or utils) that you want to use from the @openzeppelin/wizard-cairo package:

import { erc20 } from '@openzeppelin/wizard-cairo';

To generate the source code for an ERC20 contract with all of the default settings:

const contract = erc20.print();

To generate the source code for an ERC20 contract with a custom name and symbol, along with some custom settings:

const contract = erc20.print({
  name: 'ExampleToken',
  symbol: 'ETK',
  burnable: true,
  premint: '1000000',

To generate the source code for an ERC20 contract with all of the defaults but is upgradeable:

const contract = erc20.print({
  upgradeable: true,




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  • ernestognw
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  • cairoeth