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1.2.5 • Public • Published

Sunrise Utils

A Node.js package that contains code which is commonly used Project Sunrise

You have the following utils available:

  • log: Custom logging for sunrise projects
  • fieldConditions: Returns an array for sunrise column filters
  • taskPipeline: Task pipeline reusable codes
    • taskStatusOptions: Array of task status column options
    • defaultCustomColumns: Array of task pipeline custom columns
    • buildFiltersQuery(orgId, departmentId, filters = [], query = {}, searchFields = []): Function to build task pipeline filter ES query
      • orgId: Organization ID
      • departmentId: Department ID
      • filters: Array of filters
      • query: Query request params that includes size, projectId, search
      • searchFields: Array of fields that the search will run against including the defaults
    • buildSortScript(query = {}, customSort = []): Function to build task pipeline sort script
      • query: Query request params that includes sort, sortBy
      • customSort: Array of custom ES sorting script that will be appended to the list of sorting script
  • projectPipeline: Project pipeline reusable codes
    • buildFiltersQuery(orgId, departmentId, filters = [], query = {}, searchFields = []): Function to build task pipeline filter ES query
      • orgId: Organization ID
      • departmentId: Department ID
      • filters: Array of filters
      • query: Query request params that includes size, projectId, search
      • searchFields: Array of fields that the search will run against including the defaults
    • buildSortScript(query = {}, customSort = []): Function to build task pipeline sort script
      • query: Query request params that includes sort, sortBy
      • customSort: Array of custom ES sorting script that will be appended to the list of sorting script


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