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1.0.0-alpha.9 • Public • Published

OWJA! i18n

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This is a lightweight internationalization library which is in early alpha state. This means it is work in progress, unstable, can contain bugs and the API can change until first stable release.


  • lightweight bundle size ~1 kb (brotli compressed, without plugins)
  • no global state
  • it is made with dependency injection in mind
  • Build-in support for plurals, interpolation and context
  • uses Intl.Locale and Intl.PluralRules under the hood
  • Extendable with plugins
What does it not have and why?
  • No loading mechanism. Nowadays we have dynamic imports and fetch and both can do this job perfectly
  • No namespaces. You can add translations while runtime without the need for namespaces If you want some kind of namespaces you can use multidimensional objects
  • No nesting. Could be implemented with a plugin
  • No objects, no arrays
  • No formatting. Could be implemented with a plugin

Extendability (Plugins)

There will be a few plugins on stable release. Planed are:

  • [done] Datetime Formatter, like [[date|1558819424|short]] to 05/25
  • [done] Currency Formatter, like [[cur|2.323122]] to € 2,32
  • [done] Number Formatter, like [[number|2.323122|2]] to 2,32
  • [todo] Html2Char Converter, for some useful codes like ­ to 0x00AD

The reason why this functionality isn't included in the main bundle is that in many cases they are not needed, or you need only one or two and not all.


Step 1 - Creating an instance of the Translator
import {Translator} from "@owja/i18n";
const translator = new Translator({default:"de",fallback:"en"});

If you use a dependency injection tool, you can bind the .t() method of the translator constant to make accessing the main functionality as easy as possible.

Step 2 - Importing Translations

a) Adding with static imports

import de from "lang/de.json";
import en from "lang/de.json";

translator.addResource("de", de);
translator.addResource("en", en);

b) Adding with dynamic imports

import("lang/de.json").then((m) => translator.addResource("de", m.default));
import("lang/en.json").then((m) => translator.addResource("en", m.default));

c) Adding with fetch

fetch("lang/de.json").then(r => r.json())
    .then((r) => translator.addResource("de", r));
fetch("lang/en.json").then(r => r.json())
    .then((r) => translator.addResource("en", r));
Step 3 - Translate something


  "hello": "Hallo Welt",
  "car": "Auto",
  "car_other": "Autos",
  "employee_male_0": "Kein Mitarbeiter",
  "employee_male_one": "Der Mitarbeiter",
  "employee_male_other": "Die Mitarbeiter",
  "employee_female_0": "Keine Mitarbeiterinnen",
  "employee_female_one": "Die Mitarbeiterin",
  "employee_female_other": "Die Mitarbeiterinnen",
  "dashboard": {
    "button": "Ok"
  "contact": {
    "button": "Senden"
translate.t("hello"); // output: "Hallo Welt"
translate.t("car", {count: 2}); // output: "Autos"
translate.t("car", {count: 1}); // output: "Auto"
translate.t("employee", {count: 0, context: "male"}); // output: "Kein Mitarbeiter"
translate.t("employee", {count: 1, context: "male"}); // output: "Der Mitarbeiter"
translate.t("employee", {count: 2, context: "male"}); // output: "Die Mitarbeiter"
translate.t("employee", {count: 0, context: "female"}); // output: "Keine Mitarbeiterinnen"
translate.t("employee", {count: 1, context: "female"}); // output: "Die Mitarbeiterin"
translate.t("employee", {count: 2, context: "female"}); // output: "Die Mitarbeiterinnen"
translate.t("dashboard.button"}); // output: "Ok"
translate.t("contact.button"}); // output: "Senden"

Intl.PluralRules is used under the hood to get the rule for the current set locale.

For example this is in german and english:

  • -1 is one
  • 1 is one
  • everything else is other

...and in arabic:

  • less than -10 is many
  • -3 to -10 is few
  • -2 is two
  • -1 is one
  • 0 is zero
  • 1 is one
  • 2 is two
  • 3 to 10 is few
  • greater than 10 is many
Setting the Language and Listening

Setting the language:

translate.locale("de");                          // sets only the language and is guessing the region which will result in DE in this case
translate.locale("de-DE");                       // sets language and region
translate.locale(new Intl.Locale("de-DE"));      // sets language and region too
translate.locale("zh-Hant-HK");                  // sets language, script and region
translate.locale(new Intl.Locale("zh-Hant-HK")); // sets language, script and region too

Getting the language:

translate.short();   // short locale (language) like "en" or like "zh-Hant" if script was set
translate.long();    // long locale like "en-GB" or like "zh-Hant-HK" if script was set
translate.script();  // long script like "Hant" if script was set else it returns undefined
translate.region();  // region of the current locale like "DE" if "de" or "de-DE" was set

Listening to language change and unsubscribe:

// subscribe
const unsubscribe = translate.listen(() => alert("language was changed"));

// and this will unsubscribe the listener

Note: The callback will get triggered on some other changes too, like new translation resources or plugins got added.


This library is made with inspiration of the well known i18next framework.



Copyright © 2019 - 2020 Hauke Broer

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