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0.0.16 • Public • Published

Youtube Player

This is a wrapper around the youtube iframe API that allows you to put youtube videos on your webpage.

This library makes it easier for you to syncronize videos.

I am planing to add more features, if you have any feature requests visit https://github.com/ozanbaskan/youtube-player/issues.

NPM version

npm install --save-dev @ozanbaskan/youtube-player

For example:

<div id="my-div"></div>
<div id="my-div2"></div>
const player = new YoutubePlayer({ sync: true, seekedEvent: true });
await player.start("my-div", { videoId: "YbJOTdZBX1g" });

const player2 = new YoutubePlayer({ sync: true, seekedEvent: true });
await player2.start("my-div2", { videoId: "YbJOTdZBX1g" });

player.on("sync", (data) => player2.sync(data, { silent: true }));
player2.on("sync", (data) => player.sync(data, { silent: true }));

You can also pass user friendly URL from youtube using utility methods:

import { extractYoutubeSecondsFromUrl, extractYoutubeIdFromUrl } from '@ozanbaskan/youtube-player';

const url = "https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YbJOTdZBX1g&t=1m30s";
const videoId = extractYoutubeIdFromUrl(url);
const startSeconds = extractYoutubeSecondsFromUrl(url);

await player.start("my-div", { videoId, startSeconds })

Also exposing the underlying youtube API so you can use all of the functionalities of it.

setTimeout(() => {
}, 3000);

When a video is changed, other videos will be synced as well.

setTimeout(() => {
  player2.internalPlayer.loadVideoById({ videoId: "2lAe1cqCOXo" });
}, 5000);

You can create a peer to peer connection betweeen clients and sync videos using the connection.

Here is an example using peerjs:

import Peer from "peerjs";

const player = new YoutubePlayer({ sync: true, seekedEvent: true });
await player.start("my-div", { videoId: "2lAe1cqCOXo" });

const peer = new Peer();

peer.on("connection", (dataConnection) => {
  dataConnection.on("data", (data) => player.sync(data, { silent: true }));

const dataConnection = peer.connect("other-client-peer-id");
player.on("sync", (data) => dataConnection.send(data));

It also has the seeked event which youtube API does not expose. It is done by polling so you have the option to disable it if you are worrying about performance.

const player = new YoutubePlayer({ sync: false, seekedEvent: true });

player.on("seeked", (data) => {
    "Seek detected, current video time:",

You can stop and remove the video from DOM using end method.


Utility Functions

  • extractYoutubeSecondsFromUrl
  • extractYoutubeSecondsFromParam
  • extractYoutubeIdFromUrl
  • isYoutubeUrl

YoutubePlayer Events

  • play
  • pause
  • seeked (if you activate it, necessary for syncing to work properly)
  • load (when a new video is loaded to player)
  • ratechange (when playbackRate changes)
  • ready (when player is ready to load videos)
  • error
  • sync (when video is paused, played, seeked or its rate changes)
  • end (when end method is called)

Package Sidebar


npm i @ozanbaskan/youtube-player

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  • ozanbaskan