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0.0.45 • Public • Published

PayFunc CLI

Command line interface for PayFunc.


Install using NPM in the global scope:

npm install -g @payfunc/cli


Assuming that the payfunc command is installed in your path as done above.


To learn which version you have installed use:

payfunc version


List Modules

To get an index of all help commands:

payfunc help

Module Help

Help for a specific module can be gotten by:

payfunc help <module>

Command Help

payfunc help <module> <command>


Add Server

Adding a Server

payfunc server add <name> <private key> <public key>

With Admin User and Password

payfunc server add <name> <private key> <public key> <admin> <password>


Added servers are stored in the ~/.payfunc directory in cleartext.

List Server

payfunc server list

Using Server

To use a particular server use the --server flag:

payfunc --server <server name> <module> <command> <...arguments>

Default Server

The server with the name default is used by default when no --server flag is used.

Env Server

The server name env is reserved and when used the following enviroment variables are used for server credentials:

  • privateKey
  • publicKey
  • adminUser
  • adminPassword

Local debugging

Additional Env servers can be added to a .env file for use when debugging in a local clone of this repository. Each server require a private and a public key and should be saved in the key name format: privateKey<PascalCaseServerName>

Example of a .env file with an additional server named localOnly (notice the upper case on first letter of servers in key names):

privateKey = EyJheader.EyJpayloadDefault1.signatureXYz
publicKey = EyJheader.EyJpayloadDefault2.signatureYZa
privateKeyLocalOnly = EyJheader.EyJpayload1.signatureXYz
publicKeyLocalOnly = EyJheader.EyJpayload2.signatureYZa

To run locally you can run the command:

node dist/run.js

To run all default card related tests:

node dist/run.js test

To run the same on the localOnly server defined above:

node dist/run.js -s localOnly test

To also continuously update the code as you are debugging, add npm run build &&:

npm run build && node dist/run.js test


npm run build && node dist/run.js -s localOnly test

URL Override

By default server keys provide the url used to connect to the server. If you would prefer to override the url used to connect to the server use the --url flag:

payfunc --url <url> <module> <command> <...arguments>




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  • smika
  • fredrikbryntesson