
1.1.0 • Public • Published

literal-toolbox (@peter.naydenov/literal-toolbox)

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A collection of tag functions designed to transform string literals into dynamic render functions.


npm install @peter.naydenov/literal-toolbox


Use function obj when you will name your placeholders and will provide data as an object.

import literal from '@peter.naydenov/literal-toolbox'

const templateFn = literal.obj`${'greet'} darling ${'name'}, my age is ${'age'}. Great!`
// NOTE: Take a look that the placeholder names are wrapped in quotes!

const htmlSnippet = templateFn({
                                greet: 'Hello',
                                name: 'John',
                                age: 42

Use function arr when you will number your placeholders and will provide data as an array. Example:

const templateFn = literal.arr`${0} darling ${1}, my age is ${2}. Great!`
const htmlSnippet = templateFn(['Hello', 'John', 42])

Use function 'arg' when you will number your placeholders and will provide data as separate arguments. Example:

const templateFn = literal.arg`${0} darling ${1}, my age is ${2}. Great!`
const htmlSnippet = templateFn ( 'Hello', 'John', 42 )

Dynamic Placeholder Evaluation

In version 1.1.0 and onwards, the obj, arr, and arg functions support functions as arguments. Functions can dynamically evaluate application state or other data to produce a string result. Example:

let loginState = false; // external state
function loginFn() {
    return loginState ? '' : 'You need to login first';

const fn = literal.obj`Change profile name. ${'login'}`;
let res = fn({ login: loginFn });
// res == 'Change profile name. You need to login first'

loginState = true;
res = fn({ login: loginFn }) // Use exactly the same request
// res == 'Change profile name.'


'@peter.naydenov/literal-toolbox' was created and supported by Peter Naydenov.


'@peter.naydenov/literal-toolbox' is released under the MIT License.

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