A lightweight module to generate time based 64-bit unique ids, inspired by Twitter id (snowflake).
npm install @pharastar/snowflakeid
const SnowflakeId = require('@pharastar/snowflakeid'); /* on node js only */
//initiate flake
const snowflake = new SnowflakeId({
mid: 420, // optional, define machine id
timeOffset: (2022 - 1970) * 31536000 * 1000 // optional, define a offset time
Create a instance of snowflake as shown above which will be used to generate snowflake ids afterward.
Id generation
const id1 = snowflake.gen(); // returns something like 112867124767768576
const id2 = snowflake.gen(); // returns something like 112867124784545792
mid: (Defaults to 1) A machine id or any random id. If you are generating id in distributed system, its highly advised to provide a proper mid which is unique to different machines.
timeOffset: (Defaults to 0) Time offset will be subtracted from current time to get the first 42 bit of id. This help in generating smaller ids.