Usage: pirateship [options] [command]
-h, --help output usage information
bluetooth <on|off> switches between bluetooth hotspot mode / regular bluetooth and starts the service
container <none|docker|balena> enables (and start) the desired container
default sets a raspbian back to default configuration
detectrpi detects the hardware version of a raspberry pi
ethernet <ip> <mask> <gateway> <dns> configures rpi network interface to a static ip address
expandfs expands the partition of the RPI image to the maximum of the SDcard
hotspot <ESSID> [password] creates a mobile hotspot
password <password> change the password for `pi` user
rename <hostname> changes hostname
sshkeyadd <public_key> add a public key to `pi` and `root` user's authorized_keys
staticwifi <ip> <mask> <gateway> <dns> configures rpi wifi interface to a static ip address
version returns the version of pirateship command
wifi <ESSID> [password] connects to a wifi network
wificountry <country> changes the wifi country
* temporary catch all
Additional Notes
wifi - ESSID is the SSID or the network name of your wireless network and password is the password
for the corresponding network.
rename - The hostname is a label assigned to the RPI device for identification on a network and
is useful for communication amongst different devices. The default hostname is raspberrypi.
ethernet and staticwifi - before using these command, I checked that my network follows the ip range from to To change my ip address to, I can
issue the command below given that my router is found at and
that it is also a dns server. Alternatively, you can use Google's dns server,
which is or
> ethernet
hotspot - requires the packages hostapd dnsmasq. Do a sudo apt install hostapd dnsmasq to install them.