
0.1.6 • Public • Published

Phaser 3 Heath Bar Plugin

How to install:

Add it to your project as a normal dependency:

yarn add @pixelburp/phaser3-health-bar

How to use:

This operates as a global plugin in your Phaser Game, then loading it into your main gameplay scene. First you must define the new global plugin in your game's global config:

import HealthBarPlugin from '../js/health-bar-plugin';
// ... any other imports for your project...

const config = {
    plugins: {
        global: [
    global: [{ key: 'HealthBarPlugin', plugin: HealthBarPlugin }],

Then, in the create() function / method of your main gameplay Scene (ie, the scene containing all the GameObjects you wish to be selectable), you set up the Plugin like so:

create() {
    this.healthBarPlugin = this.plugins.start('HealthBarPlugin', 'healthBarPlugin');
        camera: this.cameras.main,
        offsetY: 10,
        scene: this,
        childSelector: (child) => {
          // Function that controls what Objects within the scene can have a health-bar
          // If this function isn't specified, by default the plugin assumes any Phaser.GameObject.Sprite
        visibleOnSelector: child => {
          // Function to control how and when the health-bar should appear for this child `GameObject`
          // If not specified, by default it shows above any Object with input.enabled === true
          barHeight: 15,
          backgroundColor: 0x0000ff,
          outlineColor: 0xffffff,
          camera: this.cameras.main,
          outlineWidth: 2,
          currentValueColor: 0x00ff00,
          propsToWatch: {
            current: 'health',
            max: 'maxHealth',
            min: 'minHealth',
        // You can create multiple health-bars that'll stack above the Sprite / GameObject

Setup Configuration

In the setup() method of the plugin, we pass in a global configuration object, and Array of desired Health Bars.

Global configuration:

These are the 'global' values that are used across the plugin


What is the main "Gameplay" camera being used in this scene?

childSelector (default: Function)

Function to calculate what Objects in the scene can accept Health Bars

offsetX (default: 0)

Optional X offset to position the HealthBars

offsetY (default: 15)

Optional Y offset to position the HealthBars

scene (required)

Required param of the target Phaser.Scene where we're drawing the target Game Objects to have assigned health-bars

visibleOnSelector (default: Function)

Function calculate how and when a healthbar is displayed above the target Object. Function should return true|false depending on conditions you wish to use (eg, display on activePointer hover)

Health Bar configuration:

You can assigned as many health-bars as you wish, which is useful in cases where you might have (for example), a health bar, but also shields, mana, stamina, that sort of thing. The array takes a sequence of objects, whose properties are

backgroundColor (default: 0x000000)

The backdrop to use for this health-bar. Note you can also supply an Array of tints (as seen with Sprite.setTint())

barHeight (default: 15)

The height for this particular health-bar

currentValueColor (default: 0x33ff33)

The color to use for the current value of the health-bar. Note you can also supply an Array of tints (as seen with Sprite.setTint())

propsToWatch (default: Object)

What properties should we watch on the target Object? Note, that if the values are within child objects, you can specify using dot notation (eg, current: 'shields.value') The default properties are:

  current: 'health',
  max: 'maxHealth',
  min: 'minHealth',


setup(globalConfig, config)

Kind: global function

Param Type Description
globalConfig Object Global configuration for the plugin
config Array Configuration array of the health-bars to create

isEnabled() ⇒ Boolean

Returns the current "enabled" status of the Plugin's "interface" scene

Kind: global function


If enabled, disable the plugin

Kind: global function


If not already enabled, enable the plugin

Kind: global function




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  • amaccann