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flex balanced grid

<div class="flex">
  <div class="flex-auto">item</div>
  <div class="flex-auto">item</div>
  <div class="flex-auto">item</div>

flex wrapping grid

<div class="flex flex-wrap">
  <div class="basis-4">grid item</div>
  <div class="basis-4">grid item</div>
  <div class="basis-4">grid item</div>
  <div class="basis-4">grid item</div>
  <div class="basis-4">grid item</div>

flex reversing

<ol class="flex flex-column-reverse p0">
  <li class="block p2 flex-auto">1</li>
  <li class="block p2 flex-auto">2</li>
  <li class="block p2 flex-auto">3</li>

flex centering

<div class="flex items-center justify-center">
  <p>I'm centered :)



<figure class="m0 mb1 p2 pr4">
  <figure class="p2 m0 mb1 mb0-last">content</figure>
  <figure class="p2 m0 mb1 mb0-last">content</figure>

Experimental: [data-spacing]

<Component data-spacing="mt0 mb2">


  • .static
  • .relative
  • .absolute
  • .fixed
  • .focus-static for use like "relative focus-static" to sink on focus
  • .focus-relative for use like "static focus-relative" to lift on focus
  • .top-auto .left-auto .right-auto .bottom-auto
  • .top-0 .left-0 .right-0 .bottom-0
<div class="relative">
  <div class="absolute top-0 left-0 right-0 bottom-0">I fill my container</div>


  • .border Deprecated. Favor border-1px border-solid
  • .border-top Deprecated. Favor border-1px bt-solid
  • .border-left Deprecated. Favor border-1px bl-solid
  • .border-right Deprecated. Favor border-1px br-solid
  • .border-bottom Deprecated. Favor border-1px bb-solid
  • .border-1px is our standard border-width for any bordered component
  • .border-none .bt-none .br-none .bb-none .bl-none
  • .border-dashed .bt-dashed .br-dashed .bb-dashed .bl-dashed
  • .border-solid .bt-solid .br-solid .bb-solid .bl-solid
  • .border-hidden .bt-hidden .br-hidden .bb-hidden .bl-hidden


Round >=6px to 12px and <6px to 3px because 2px 3px 12px are the most current sizes in our design system. Feature specs may be outdated. Please #truststructure

  • .rounded Deprecated. Favor round-medium
  • .rounded-stack Deprecated. Favor round-medium sharp-stack
  • .rounded-shelf Deprecated. Favor round-medium sharp-shelf
  • .round-small for 2px corners. Use on pills
  • .round-medium for 3px corners. Use on buttons, cards...
  • .round-large for 12px corners. Use on modals
  • .round-circle for 50% corners
  • .sharp-top zero top corners
  • .sharp-left zero left corners
  • .sharp-right zero right corners
  • .sharp-bottom zero bottom corners
  • .sharp-shelf zero interior shelf corners
  • .sharp-stack zero interior stack corners
<nav class="block p2 round-medium sharp-stack m-auto mt0 mb2">
  <a class="block p2 round-medium sharp-stack mb1">top</a>
  <a class="block p2 round-medium sharp-stack mb1">middle</a>
  <a class="block p2 round-medium sharp-stack mb1">bottom</a>
<div class="width-em height-em round-circle">circle</div>


Melding and welding refer to the union of borders between siblings. meld and weld do the same job but with opposing techniques. Compose them together to remove any inner borders. stack affects vertical union. shelf affects horizontal union.

  • .meld-stack - meld stacked borders into one via :not(:first-child)
  • .meld-shelf - meld shelved borders into one via :not(:first-child)
  • .weld-stack - weld stacked borders into one via :not(:last-child)
  • .weld-shelf - weld shelved borders into one via :not(:last-child)
<a class="block p2 border round-medium sharp-stack meld-stack">top</a>
<a class="block p2 border round-medium sharp-stack meld-stack">middle</a>
<a class="block p2 border round-medium sharp-stack meld-stack">bottom</a>
<a class="block p2 border round-medium sharp-shelf meld-shelf">left</a>
<a class="block p2 border round-medium sharp-shelf meld-shelf">right</a>
<a class="block p2 border round-medium sharp-shelf meld-shelf">bottom</a>


<label class="block">
  <input class="inline-block mr1" type="checkbox" checked>
  Use functional CSS


  • .vis-visible default (element box is visible)
  • .vis-hidden invisible and inaccessible but retains layout
  • .vis-collapse invisible and inaccessible but retains flex strut or table layout with careful use


  • .overflow-visible or per axis .ox-visible .oy-visible
  • .overflow-hidden or per axis .ox-hidden .oy-hidden
  • .overflow-scroll or per axis .ox-scroll .oy-scroll
  • .overflow-auto or per axis .ox-auto oy-auto
  • .overflow-dots sets text-overflow to ellipsis
  • .wrap-normal sets overflow-wrap to normal
  • .wrap-word sets overflow-wrap to break-word
<div class="overflow-auto">
  I scroll as needed.
<div class="oy-scroll">
  I scroll vertically.
<div class="overflow-hidden overflow-dots ws-nowrap width-fit">
  I truncate normally...
<div class="overflow-hidden overflow-dots ws-nowrap width-clip width-force">
  I truncate specially...


  • .ws-normal
  • .ws-nowrap
  • .ws-pre
  • .ws-pre-wrap
  • .ws-pre-line


<div class="max-viewport min-zero width-all height-all">


We avoid floats where possible due to the abundance of more maintainable techniques such as flexbox for many scenarios. We provide .float-none, .float-left, .float-right, .clearfix for transitional use and special cases.


Use these on li or its ul or ol to affect all children. These only apply when display is list-item. Avoid inside when its children are block because browsers vary in how inside blocks appear.

  • .list-disc sets type to disc (initial)
  • .list-circle sets type to circle
  • .list-outside sets position to outside (initial)
  • .list-inside sets position to inside
  • .list-none sets style to none


  • .text-left
  • .text-right
  • .text-center


Favor flexbox techniques for layout but know that these are available for finetuning.

  • .align-baseline default
  • .align-top
  • .align-middle
  • .align-bottom
  • .align-sub
  • .align-super
  • .align-ascent for text-top
  • .align-descent for text-bottom


structure.bond("FontC") // "font-os font-c"
structure.bond("FontB") // "font-os font-b"
structure.bond("FontXXS") // "font-os font-xxs"
structure.bond("FontXS") // "font-os font-xs"
structure.bond("FontS") // "font-os font-s"
structure.bond("FontM") // "font-os font-m"
structure.bond("FontL") // "font-os font-l"
structure.bond("FontXL") // "font-os font-xl"
  • .font-c is 400 12px/1.25 none
  • .font-b is 400 14px/1.5 none
  • .font-xxs is 400 12px/1.25 uppercase
  • .font-xs is 600 16px/1.5 none
  • .font-s is 400 20px/1.25 none
  • .font-m is 400 26px/1.25 none
  • .font-l is 600 32px/1.25 none
  • .font-xl is 600 42px/1 none


  • .font-os Recommended. Equals .family-os U normal normal 400
  • .family-inherit
  • .family-os


  • .weight-inherit
  • .weight-light
  • .weight-normal legacy alias: .unbold
  • .weight-semibold legacy alias: .semibold
  • .weight-bold legacy alias: .bold


  • Collapse whitespace or hide text in a11y technique
  • .font-collapse = .size-collapse U .line-collapse


  • .size-inherit
  • .size-14px
  • .size-16px
  • .size-20px
  • .size-26px
  • .size-32px
  • .size-42px
  • .size-body at risk
  • .size-caption at risk


  • .line-initial for normal initial
  • .line-inherit for inherit
  • .line-single is 1 for use on headings or alignments
  • .line-subcompact is 1.125 for use on headings
  • .line-compact is 1.25 for use on headings
  • .line-passing is 1.5 for text. Passes WCAG guidelines
  • .line-double is 2 for special cases


Case classes transform the entire element while letter classes only transform the ::first-letter such that you can compose as needed like "case-lower letter-upper" for sentence case.

  • .case-none CSS is composable
  • .case-lower css is composable
  • .case-upper CSS IS COMPOSABLE
  • .case-proper CSS Is Composable
  • .letter-lower cSS is composable
  • .letter-upper CSS is composable
  • .case-lower.letter-upper Css is composable
  • .case-upper.letter-lower cSS IS COMPOSABLE


  • .underline-none removes underline. You must provide alternative visual affordance.
  • .underline-focus adds underline on :focus
  • .underline-hover adds underline on :hover
  • .underline adds underline to all states


  • .pointer set cursor to pointer unless disabled


.events-none { pointer-events: none }
.events-auto { pointer-events: auto }


  • .appearance-none sets vendor appearance to none for custom styling


  • .resize-none
  • .resize-both


  • .-tx100 for translateX(-100%)
  • .-ty100 for translateY(-100%)
  • .tx0 for translateX(0)
  • .ty0 for translateY(0)
  • .tx100 for translateX(100%)
  • .ty100 for translateY(100%)


  • .anim-initial resets animation to its initial values
  • .anim-reverse reverses animation
  • .anim-seed uses backwards fill mode
  • .anim-stay uses forwards fill mode
  • .anim-fill uses both fill mode
  • .anim-paused pauses animation
  • .anim-infinite animates for infinite iterations
  • .keyspeeds-spin duration for spinner iterating
  • .keyframes-spin rotate from 0deg to 360deg iterating


Presets provide partials for common needs. Presets load early such that other classes may override them.

  • .preset-box box-model base
  • .preset-input input base
  • .preset-textarea textarea base
  • .preset-button button base

JavaScript API

We are developing a JavaScript API to help component developers reliably compose classes.

npm install @plangrid/structure
const structure = require("@plangrid/structure");

structure is a frozen cader instance.

structure.fuse("FontXL") // "family-os weight-semibold size-42px line-single"
structure.fuse("Tap") // "family-os preset-button fill-current pointer"
structure.fuse("Tap FontXL") // Unique fusion of both
structure.bond("FontXL another") // Unique bonding of saved atom(s) and unsaved atom(s)
structure.bond("FontXL m0 mb1") // "family-os weight-semibold size-42px line-single m0 mb1"
  • .bond permits mixing atoms with external classes whereas .fuse is strictly atoms that have been saved
  • Call structure.help() for help
  • .clone is available for feature work
const feature = structure.clone() // new instance contains saved structure atoms
feature.save({/* ... */})  // can save more atoms if unique from structure atoms

Available atoms

Font atoms

structure.bond("FontC") // "font-os font-c"
structure.bond("FontB") // "font-os font-b"
structure.bond("FontXXS") // "font-os font-xxs"
structure.bond("FontXS") // "font-os font-xs"
structure.bond("FontS") // "font-os font-s"
structure.bond("FontM") // "font-os font-m"
structure.bond("FontL") // "font-os font-l"
structure.bond("FontXL") // "font-os font-xl"

Border atoms

structure.bond("ShelfMeld") // "sharp-shelf meld-shelf"
structure.bond("ShelfWeld") // "sharp-shelf weld-shelf"
structure.bond("StackMeld") // "sharp-stack meld-stack"
structure.bond("StackWeld") // "sharp-stack weld-stack"

Overflow atoms

structure.bond("TruncateBox") // "overflow-hidden overflow-dots ws-nowrap preset-box"
structure.bond("TruncateDIY") // "overflow-hidden overflow-dots ws-nowrap"
structure.bond("TruncateDIY width-fit") // max-width: 100%
structure.bond("PaneX") // "preset-box oy-hidden ox-auto"
structure.bond("PaneY") // "preset-box ox-hidden oy-auto"
structure.bond("PaneX PaneY") // both auto
  • See preset.css to see what .preset-box does
  • Pane is meant to provide our standard scrolling behavior. TBD if we will standardize on auto or scroll

Shadow atoms

structure.bond("FlatControl") // "shadow-ring"
structure.bond("RaiseControl") // "shadow-raised shadow-ring"
structure.bond("RaiseStatic") // "shadow-raised"

Control atoms

  • HF = heavy frame
  • LF = light frame
  • WIP = work in progress
structure.bond("UnderNone") // "underline-none"
structure.bond("UnderSome") // "underline-none underline-hover"
structure.bond("UnderAll") // "underline"
structure.bond("Ask") // structure.bond("FontB line-single preset-box block-table")
structure.bond("Cbox") // "font-os preset-button cbox"
structure.bond("Rdio") // "font-os preset-button rdio"
structure.bond("Field") // "font-os preset-box border-none"
structure.bond("Tactile") // "font-os preset-box block-table"
structure.bond("InputLF") // "font-os preset-input round-medium border"
structure.bond("InputHF") // structure.bond("InputLF frame-basic")
structure.bond("OpdownWIP") // structure.bond("PaneY round-medium RaiseControl")
structure.bond("OptionLF") // "overflow-hidden overflow-dots ws-nowrap preset-box font-os block"
structure.bond("OptionHF") // structure.bond("OptionLF font-b p1")
structure.bond("TapLF") // "font-os preset-button"
structure.bond("TapHF") // "font-os preset-button pointer"
structure.bond("TextareaLF") // "font-os preset-textarea round-medium border"
structure.bond("TextareaHF") // structure.bond("TextareaLF frame-basic")
structure.bond("PutLF") // "font-os preset-input round-medium border sharp-shelf weld-shelf"
structure.bond("PutHF") // structure.bond("PutLF frame-basic")

Unstable atoms

structure.bond("Checkbox") // "font-os preset-button cbox shadow-raised shadow-ring tone-check"
structure.bond("Radio") // "font-os preset-button rdio shadow-raised shadow-ring tone-check"

Deprecated atoms

structure.bond("Tap") // => structure.bond("TapLF")
structure.bond("Input") // => structure.bond("InputHF RaiseControl")
structure.bond("Textarea") // => structure.bond("TextareaHF RaiseControl")
structure.bond("Input:validate") // => structure.bond("InputHF RaiseControl tone-validate")
structure.bond("Input:validity") // => structure.bond("InputHF RaiseControl tone-validity")
structure.bond("Input:valid") // => structure.bond("InputHF RaiseControl tone-valid")
structure.bond("Input:invalid") // => structure.bond("InputHF RaiseControl tone-invalid")
structure.bond("Textarea:validate") // => structure.bond("TextareaHF RaiseControl tone-validate")
structure.bond("Textarea:validity") // => structure.bond("TextareaHF RaiseControl tone-validity")
structure.bond("Textarea:valid") // => structure.bond("TextareaHF RaiseControl tone-valid")
structure.bond("Textarea:invalid") // => structure.bond("TextareaHF RaiseControl tone-invalid")


Ask in our #css slack channel :)

Developer commands

npm install
npm start
npm test



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npm i @plangrid/structure

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  • aaronnorby
  • plangrid-opensource
  • aschiopu
  • plangrid-mgoose
  • andyfiedler