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Using the GitHub Package Registry

This repo exists in order to test out various things with the GitHub Package Registry. Play around to your heart's content!

Learnings about the processes

Here are some things I've learned while experimenting. I've tried to keep this specific to Planning Center's workflow as much as possible.

Setting up a package project to use GPR

Here are some simple steps to take to publish the package to GPR.

Configure the package to use GPR

Add a publishConfig key to the package.json file. The namespace should be the same namespace that the package will be published under (e.g. @planningcenter or @ministrycentered).

"publishConfig": {
  "@ministrycentered:registry": "https://npm.pkg.github.com"

Publish a new release when a GitHub release is drafted

Add a GitHub workflow to publish the package when a release is cut within GitHub. Note that this action will fail if a version with the same number is already in the registry. So...

Make sure to bump the version number before cutting a release.

Put the following (or something like it) in .github/workflows/release-package.yml. The current version in this repo may have more features or implement things learned after writing this introductory README. You can check it out here.

name: Release package

  types: [created]

  runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    - uses: actions/checkout@v2
    - uses: actions/setup-node@v2
        node-version: 12
    - run: npm ci
    - run: npm test

    # Make sure the package builds and tests pass before cutting the release
    needs: build
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
      packages: write
      contents: read
      - uses: actions/checkout@v2
      - uses: actions/setup-node@v2
          node-version: 12
          registry-url: https://npm.pkg.github.com/
      - run: npm ci
      - run: npm publish
          NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{ secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN }}

Publishing prereleases

There are going to be times in which we need to test a package within our apps and therefore cut a release without actually wanting to release something. I've played around a bit with how best to do this and haven't found an answer yet that is satisfying to me.

But here's what I've got for now.

Tagging the prerelease

In npm-land, the tag latest has special meaning. Anyone not specifying a hyper-specific version in their package.json file will get the package release tagged as latest. Furthermore, unless a specific tag is used when publishing the package, npm will tag it as latest automatically. We therefore don't want to tag a prerelease as latest and force it to have a tag of our choosing. So what should we tag it?

I've been toying with the idea of tagging the prereleases with the branch name involved. For example, a prerelease based off of version 1.2.3 whose work is being done in a branch named gl/fix-bugs would be released and tagged as something like v1.2.4-gl--fix-bugs.0 (tags can't have slashes so I've converted the slash to a double dash). A subsequent prerelease would be v1.2.4-gl--fix-bugs.1. These names are valid according to the semver spec (which I really want to adhere to).

This tagging is a manual process at the moment, so in the package's directory, you would run this code:

npm version prerelease --preid=gl--fix-bugs

This will bump the version numbers where required in the package and create a git commit with the changes along with a git tag with the version name. If you'd like to skip the git commit and tagging (like if you want to group the version bump with other changes), pass the --git-tag-version=false flag to the command above. Push up that commit (or commits) in your branch. The actual release is done via GitHub's UI.

Configuring our workflow to package the prerelease

In the workflow definition, break up the release packaging to two separate steps guarded by if statements: one for the prerelease and one for the release. Since we don't specify a tag for a full release, it defaults to latest. If it is a prerelease, it'll use the branch name the release targets with slashes replaced by double dashes1 (e.g. gl--fix-bugs for branch gl/fix-bugs) (see the next section).

# other required stuff in the workflow definition
  # other required steps
  - name: Publish prerelease
    if: ${{ github.event.release.prerelease }}
    run: npm publish --tag=${TAG_NAME}
      NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
      TAG_NAME: ${{ github.event.release.target_commitish }}

  - name: Publish release
    if: ${{ github.event.ref_name == github.event.repository.default_branch }}
    run: npm publish
      NODE_AUTH_TOKEN: ${{secrets.GITHUB_TOKEN}}
Releasing via GitHub's UI

Now that we have the package versioned with a prerelease version name (e.g. v1.2.4-gl--fix-bugs.1) and the release workflow configured to handle releases and prereleases separately, it's time to cut a prerelease on GitHub.

  1. Head to the "Releases" page in the GitHub repo.


  2. Hit the "Draft a new release" button.


  3. Create a new tag for your release (it would be v0.0.2-gl--branch-tags.5 in the screenshot below). Be sure to target your branch. Name the release the same as your tag.


  4. Be sure to hit the "This is a prerelease" checkbox!


  5. Publish the release!

  6. After the action/workflow creates the package, check to see that it is in the Packages section.


  7. Make sure that the "Latest version" tag is not on your prerelease.


  8. You can verify it was tagged correctly by checking the dist-tags on the command line. Note that I have to specify the GitHub registry on this command (it doesn't seem to honor our publishConfig setting in package.json).

    npm dist-tag --registry=https://npm.pkg.github.com @ministrycentered/packages-test

    Dist tags

  9. Use the prerelease in an app. You can do this either by specifying the release version or the release tag. The difference is a tag can point to various versions throughout its life while a version can never be changed.

    yarn add @ministrycentered/packages-test@0.0.2-gl--branch-tags.4

    or for the most recently tagged version of the gl--branch-tags tag:

    yarn add @ministrycentered/packages-test@gl--branch-tags

Using a published package in an app

We need to give the yarn and/or npm commands on your machine access to our private packages on GitHub in order to install them in apps or update them in any way. To do that, first generate a Personal Access Token in GitHub at . The permissions need to at least be

  • repo
  • write:packages
  • delete:packages

Name it something memorable, give it a reasonable expiration, and create it.

Copy the token it shows you—we'll be using it in the next step.

Your configuration for packages is in the file ~/.npmrc. Add the following line that that file.


This will allow yarn and npm to have access to the packages hosted in GPR.

Since using GitHub's Package Repository is not the default for package management, we need to configure our app to look for packages there instead of npmjs.org. To do so, we must specify that for a certain scope of package name, look in GPR instead of npmjs. I'm still not sure what happens during the transitional period where we have packages scoped as @planningcenter in both npmjs and GPR. Thus, I've scoped my test packages to @ministrycentered.

Regardless of scope, configure your app by adding a .npmrc file in the app repo's root directory. It needs to have the following line added for each scope name. For example, this file scopes all @ministrycentered package names to look in GPR instead of the default of npmjs.


Now that all that is configured correctly, you can finally install your package as required. For example, in ~/Code/people:

yarn add @ministrycentered/packages-test@gl--branch-tags

Some good resources

  1. While it seems possible to tag a package with text containing a slash, trying to install that tag fails with the tool trying to use the tag name as a repo on GitHub. For example, running yarn add @ministrycentered/packages-test@gl/branch-tags will fail because it tries to load the package from github.com/gl/branch-tags.




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  • keola
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