Mirror Force
First, have a file named mf.md
OR a name of your choice (you will need to supply it as the first arg of the cli). This file should contain a list of links to the git/github repos you would like to clone, separated by new line.
will sanitize each line of input, thus it can tolerate a couple of format, including no host uri (e.g hello/weird). If no host is provided, github.com
will be the fallback. Example:
- [ ] hello/weird
- https://github.com/hello/hi
Make sure the current directory is where you would like all of the repository to be cloned. Then, invoke mf
as follow:
pnpm dlx @plasmo-corp/mf
# OR
npx @plasmo-corp/mf
Optionally, you can specify a custom input file:
npx @plasmo-corp/mf my-input-file.txt
Argument flags
-h, --help string Print this usage guide.
-i, --input file The file to process. Can be absolute or relative path. Default: mf.md
-r, --remote string The organization name the new remote should point to. Default: plasmo-corp
-o, --output-dir directory The directory where the Git repos are stored. Default: ./
npm i
pnpm link --global # OR npm link
npm run watch
# in another terminal
Publish process
- Commit any changes to the repository.
npm version patch | minor | major
npm publish