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2.0.0-alpha.6 • Public • Published



The GFI plugin can be used to fetch and optionally display GFI (GetFeatureInfo) from WMS and WFS services as well as layers based on GeoJSON files. In a first step, the information is stored in the VueX store to allow for easy access. Display is optional and quite obstructive within the map client.

⚠️ The display feature is currently not meant for production. Please use data bindings for display to avoid obstructing the map client.

Extension ideas

  • To ease the currently rather complex WMS GFI parsing, we may send a WMS GetCapabilities request during initialization to detect supported formats by services. We may then proceed to choose from the offered formats and have the parser ready from the get-go. This would also allow for printing error messages for unspecified formats during start-up time, and for choosing a better format should the first named (and therefore used by default) format be unhandy, e.g. be an arbitrary text response.

  • Currently, the specification on how to display a GFI is taken from the mapConfiguration object. The Masterportal does support GFI instructions specified on the layer definitions within the services.json file itself. That specification is documented, but a little more complex, and ignored for now, since we're going for a more configurable client – our users will, in general, be interested in one specific layer, not any layer that might display GFI.

    However, we may still support that one day by e.g. a configuration parameter useServicesDefinition::boolean.

  • Any entry may be a callback rather than an object/definition

  • Display links as <a ...>Click to open</a>

  • Optionally filter to visible layers

  • Reduce features to a single window rather than showing each feature individually

    • By function parameter
    • By definition



fieldName type description
layers Record<string, gfiLayerConfiguration> Maps a string (must be a layer ID) to a behaviour configuration for that layer.
coordinateSources string[] The GFI plugin will react to these coordinate positions in the store. This allows it to react to e.g. the address search of the pins plugin. Please see example configuration for the common use-cases. Please mind that, when referencing another plugin, that plugin must be in addPlugins before this one.
mode enum["bboxDot", "intersects"] Method of calculating which feature has been chosen by the user. bbodyDot utilizes the bbox-url parameter using the clicked coordinate while intersects uses a Filter to calculate the intersected features. Layers can have their own gfiMode parameter which would override this global mode. To apply this, add the desired value to the parameter in the mapConfiguration
customHighlightStyle object If required a user can change the stroke and fill of the highlighted feature. The default style as seen in the example will be used for each part that is not customized. An empty object will return the complete default style while e.g. for an object without a configured fill the default fill will be applied.
activeLayerPath string? Optional store path to array of active mask layer ids. If used with LayerChooser, setting this to 'plugin/layerChooser/activeMaskIds' will result in an info text in the GFI box, should no layer be active. If used without LayerChooser, the active mask layers have to be provided by another plugin or the client. If not set, the GFI plugin may e.g. show an empty list, which may be confusing to some users.
afterLoadFunction function (featuresByLayerId: Record<string, GeoJsonFeature[]>): Record<layerId, GeoJsonFeature[]> This method can be used to extend, filter, or otherwise modify a GFI result.
gfiContentComponent Vue? Allows overriding the GfiContent.vue component for a custom design. Coding knowledge required to use this feature.
renderType ('iconMenu' | 'independent')? Only relevant if window is set to true for at least one layer. Whether the gfi plugin is rendered independently or as part of the IconMenu. Defaults to 'independent'.
fieldName type description
window boolean If true, properties will be shown in the map client.
geometry boolean If true, feature geometry will be highlighted within the map.
properties Record<propertyName, displayName>/string[] In case window is true, this will be used to determine which contents to show. In case of an array, keys are used to select properties. In case of an object, keys are used to select properties, but will be titles as their respective values.
featureList featureList? If defined, a list of available vector layer features is visible when no feature is selected. Only usable if renderType is set to iconMenu and window is set to true.
exportProperty string Property of the features of a service having an url usable to trigger a download of features as a document.
showTooltip ((feature: Feature) => [string, string][])? If given, a tooltip will be shown with the values calculated for the feature. The first string is the HTML tag to render, the second its contents; contants may be locale keys. For more information regarding the strings, see the documentation of the @polar/lib-tooltip package. Defaults to undefined. Please mind that tooltips will only be shown if a mouse is used or the hovering device could not be detected. Touch and pen interactions do not open tooltips since they will open the GFI window, rendering the gatherable information redundant.
fieldName type description
stroke object Object for defining the stroke style
fill object Object for defining the fill style
fieldName type description
color string Color value
width number Stroke width
fieldName type description
color string Color value
fieldName type description
mode 'visible' | 'loaded' Whether to show only features currently visible in the map view's bounding box or to display all loaded features. In the latter case, if you desire to display all features of a layer (seen or not), set its loading strategy to 'all'.
pageLength number? A number >0 that sets the limit to the feature list's length. If the length is surpassed, additional features can be reached by using the pagination that is generated in such a case. If not defined, the list can be of arbitrary length.
text (function string)[]
bindWithCoreHoverSelect boolean? If true, the hover/select fields in the core's state will be listened to and interacted with. This will result in a bilateral hovering and selecting of features with the core. Defaults to false.

Example configuration

layers: {
  [serviceId]: {
    geometry: true,
    window: false,
    properties: {
      keyInService: 'Display Label'
    } // or ['keyInService'], in which case 'keyInService' is also the actual label
coordinateSources: [
  // use coordinates from pins plugin, that is, resolve GFI to pin position
customHighlightStyle: {
  stroke: {
    color: '#FFFF00',
    width: 3,
  fill: {
    color: 'rgb(255, 255, 255, 0.7)',



If a successful query has been sent and a response has been received, the result will be saved in the store and can be subscribed through the path 'plugin/gfi/featureInformation'. If, however, a query for a layer fails, a Symbol containing the error will be saved in the store instead to indicate the error.

The exact value of featureInformation may vary wildly depending on the service used, but is always given as json representation here.

map.subscribe('plugin/gfi/featureInformation', (featureInformation) => {
  /* Your code here */




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