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4.1.0 • Public • Published

With-Input Plugin

A plugin for creating fields with a single input object. This plugin adds a new t.fieldWithInput method that allows you to more easily define fields with a single input type without having to define it separately.



npm install --save @pothos/plugin-with-input


import WithInputPlugin from '@pothos/plugin-with-input';
const builder = new SchemaBuilder({
  plugins: [WithInputPlugin],
  // optional
  withInput: {
    typeOptions: {
      // default options for Input object types created by this plugin
    argOptions: {
      // set required: false to override default behavior

Defining fields with inputs

  fields: (t) => ({
    example: t.fieldWithInput({
      input: {
        // Note that this uses a new t.input field builder for defining input fields
        id: t.input.id({ required: true }),
      type: 'ID',
      resolve: (root, args) => args.input.id,

This will produce a schema like:

type Query {
  example(input: QueryExampleInput!): ID!

input QueryExampleInput {
  id: ID!

The input name will default to ${ParentType.name}${Field.name}Input.

Customizing your input object

You can customize the name of your Input object, and the name of the input argument:

  fields: (t) => ({
    example: t.fieldWithInput({
      typeOptions: {
        name: 'CustomInputTypeName',
        // Additional options for the input type can be added here
      argOptions: {
        name: 'customArgName',
        // Additional options for the input argument can be added here
      input: {
        id: t.input.id({ required: true }),
      type: 'ID',
      // inputs are now under `customArgName`
      resolve: (root, args) => args.customArgName.id,

Changing the nullability of the input arg

You can configure the global default for input args when creating the builder by providing WithInputArgRequired in the builders SchemaTypes, and setting withInput.argOptions.required.

const builder = new SchemaBuilder<{ WithInputArgRequired: false }>({
  plugins: [WithInputPlugin],
  withInput: {
    argOptions: {
      required: false,

arg requiredness can also be set on a per field basis by setting argOptions.required

  fields: (t) => ({
    example: t.fieldWithInput({
      type: 'Boolean',
      argOptions: {
        required: false,
      input: {
        someInput: t.input.boolean({}),
      resolve: (root, args) => {
        return args.input?.someInput;

Prisma plugin integration

If you are using the prisma plugin you can use t.prismaFieldWithInput to add prisma fields with input objects:

builder.queryField('user', (t) =>
    type: 'User',
    input: {
      id: t.input.id({ required: true }),
    resolve: (query, _, args) =>
        where: {
          id: Number.parseInt(args.input.id, 10),

Customizing the default naming conventions

If you want to customize how the default input type names are generated you can provide a name callback in withInput.typeOptions:

import WithInputPlugin from '@pothos/plugin-with-input';
const builder = new SchemaBuilder({
  plugins: [WithInputPlugin],
  withInput: {
    typeOptions: {
      name: ({ parentTypeName, fieldName }) => {
        const capitalizedFieldName = `${fieldName[0].toUpperCase()}${fieldName.slice(1)}`;
        // This will remove the default Query/Mutation prefix from the input type name
        if (parentTypeName === 'Query' || parentTypeName === 'Mutation') {
          return `${capitalizedFieldName}Input`;

        return `${parentTypeName}${capitalizedFieldName}Input`;

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