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0.4.2 • Public • Published


CommonState is about simple managing async states.


Base state entity interfaces type

interface State<T = unknown, E = unknown> {
  value: T
  error: E | undefined
  isLoading: boolean
  isActual: boolean

export interface Cacheable<T = unknown> {
  cached?: T

interface Refreshable {
  softRefresh: () => Destructor | void
  hardRefresh: () => Destructor | void

interface CacheableState<T = unknown, E = unknown> extends State<T, E>, Cacheable<T> {}
interface RefreshableState<T = unknown, E = unknown> extends State<T, E>, Refreshable {}

interface CommonState<T = unknown, E = unknown> extends State<T, E>, Refreshable, Cacheable<T> {}

Short field description:

  • value - stored value
  • error - last error on value update
  • isLoading - is loading new value right now
  • isActual - is current value is actual or need update for actualizing
  • cached - last loaded actual value
  • softRefresh - update value without resetting actuality (emit load new value, set isLoading to true until wait new value, after update set isActual as true)
  • hardRefresh - update value with resetting actuality (emit load new value, set isLoading to false and isActual to false until wait new value)


For init and manage CommonState use useCommonState hook.

interface StateRefreshOption<T, E> {
  refreshFn: () => Promise<T>
  requestKey?: string
  onError?: (error: E, state: CacheableState<T, E>) => void

interface StateManager<T = unknown, E = unknown> {
  state: CommonState<T, E>
  setState: Dispatch<SetStateAction<State<T, E>>>
  setRefresh: (params: StateRefreshOption<T, E>) => void

// without initial value
function useCommonState<Value, Error = unknown>(initial?: undefined): StateManager<Value | undefined, Error> {}
// with initial value
function useCommonState<Value, Error = unknown>(initial: Value | (() => Value)): StateManager<Value, Error> {}


  • initial - could be optional, if initial value of CommonState is undefined

Outputs (returned object fields):

  • state - associated CommonState
  • setState - for update state directly (for your custom logic of state behaviour). Not recommended for use without an urgent need
  • setRefresh - set refresh function, on error callback handler and request key for caching requests

Usage example:

function examples(url: string, slug: string): CommonState<ReturnType | undefined> {
  const { state, setRefreshFn } = useCommonState<ReturnType>()

  useEffect(() => {
    // function for get value for CommonState
    const refreshFn = () => getEntityDetails(url, slug)
    // on catch updating error
    const onError = (error)=> console.error('EntityDetails', error)
    // key for memoize request calls
    const requestKey = `${url}_${slug}`
    // set makeRequest as refresh function for state
    setRefreshFn({ refreshFn: makeRequest, requestKey: requestKey })
  }, [url, slug])

  // set refreshing state 
  useEffect(state.hardRefresh, [url, slug])

  return state



For mapping CommonState value

const state: CommonState<ReturnType | undefined> = useCommonState<ReturnType>()

//  ...

const mappedState: CommonState<MappedType | undefined> = useMapCommonState(
  (value: ReturnType | undefined): MappedType | undefined => {
    // ... return mapped value


For combine few CommonState values in one CommonState in array of values

const state1: CommonState<ReturnType1> = useSomeCommonState1<ReturnType1>(init1)
const state2: CommonState<ReturnType2> = useSomeCommonState2<ReturnType2>(init2)
const state3: CommonState<ReturnType3> = useSomeCommonState3<ReturnType3>(init3)

//  ...

const combinedState: CommonState<[ReturnType1, ReturnType2, ReturnType3]> = useCombineCommonStates(state1, state2, state3)



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  • martushka
  • jumojet5