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18.1.0 • Public • Published

Kendo UI for Angular Sortable Component

  • This package is part of Kendo UI for Angular—a commercial library designed and built for developing business applications with Angular. Every UI component in the Kendo UI for Angular suite has been built from the ground-up specifically for Angular.
  • You must install a license key when adding the package to your project. To receive a license key, either purchase a license or register for a free trial.
  • The 30-day free trial gives you access to all the Kendo UI for Angular components and their full functionality. Additionally, for the period of your license, you get access to our legendary technical support provided directly by the Kendo UI for Angular dev team!

Start using Kendo UI for Angular and speed up your development process!

Angular Sortable Component

The Kendo UI for Angular Sortable is a component for dragging and dropping an element within a list to a new location within that list while the rest of the items correspondingly reorder.

Key Features

Among the many features which the Kendo UI for Angular Sortable delivers are:

  • Data Binding—You can bind the Sortable to an array of strings or objects, or utilize the built-in directive, which cuts down the repetitive boilerplate code and simplifies the handling of data operations.
  • Managing the Items—You can choose to render Sortable items in their disabled state so that, if need be present, users will not be able to interact with them.
  • Templates—You can visually customize the content, color, structure, and the general look and feel of the Sortable by implementing templates in the component.
  • Accessibility—The Sortable is accessible for screen readers and supports WAI-ARIA attributes.
  • Globalization—The Sortable supports globalization to ensure that it can fit well in any application, no matter what languages and locales need to be supported. Additionally, the Sortable supports rendering in a right-to-left (RTL) direction.
  • Keyboard Navigation—The Sortable supports a number of keyboard shortcuts which allows users to accomplish various commands.

Support Options

For any issues you might encounter while working with the Kendo UI for Angular Sortable, you have the following support channels available:


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