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0.10.5 • Public • Published

Elastic Cloud Resource Provider

The Elastic Cloud Resource Provider lets you manage Elastic Cloud resources.


This package is available for several languages/platforms:

Node.js (JavaScript/TypeScript)

To use from JavaScript or TypeScript in Node.js, install using either npm:

npm install @pulumi/ec

or yarn:

yarn add @pulumi/ec


To use from Python, install using pip:

pip install pulumi_ec


To use from Go, use go get to grab the latest version of the library:

go get github.com/pulumi/pulumi-ec/sdk


To use from .NET, install using dotnet add package:

dotnet add package Pulumi.ElasticCloud


The following configuration points are available for the ec provider:

  • ec:endpoint: The Elastic Cloud endpoint to which requests should be sent. This value should be specified only when using the Elastic Cloud provider with an ECE installation or ESS Private.
  • ec:apikey: The Elastic Cloud API key, recommended over username and password to authenticate against the Elastic Cloud API. May also be sourced from environment variable EC_API_KEY.
  • ec:username: The Elastic Cloud username. May also be sourced from environment variable EC_USER or EC_USERNAME. Conflicts with ec:apiKey. Not recommened - prefer using ec:apikey over ec:username and ec:password.
  • ec:password: The Elastic Cloud user's password. May also be sourced from environment variable EC_PASS or EC_PASSWORD. Conflicts with ec:apiKey. Not recommened - prefer using ec:apikey over ec:username and ec:password.
  • ec:insecure: If true, allows the provider to skip TLS verification (not recommended). Defaults to false.
  • ec:timeout: Allows the user to set a custom timeout in the individual HTTP request level. Defaults to 1 minute ("1m"), but can be extended if timeouts are experienced.
  • ec:verbose: When set to true, it writes a requests.json file in the folder where Terraform runs with all the outgoing HTTP requests and responses. Defaults to false.
  • ec:verboseCredentials: If set to true and ec:verbose is set to true, the contents of the Authorization header will not be redacted. Defaults to false.
  • ec:verboseFile: Sets the name of the file to which verbose request and response HTTP flow will be written. Defaults to request.log.

Either ec:endpoint or (ec:username and ec:password) must be specified. All other parameters are optional:


For detailed reference documentation, please visit the Pulumi registry.

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